
Deans Community Update – February 09, 2021


Dear OISE Community,

I am writing with the following updates and information.

  • OISE Equity Committee - Black Faculty in Conversation – February 10th
  • Graduate Student Research Conference – March 5th
  • Sustainability and Climate Action Plan Launch – February 25th
  • OISE Review Update
  • OISE Virtual Awards Ceremony – April 7th

Be sure to visit Deans Community Updates and Resources for community updates.


Black Faculty in Conversation - TOMORROW

During Black History month, join OISE's Equity Committee for the 2nd installation of its Black Faculty in Conversation series. Hear from George Dei, Njoki Wane, Ann Lopez, Fikile Nxumalo, Lance McCready, Rosalind Hampton and Andrew Campbell. The event is tomorrow, February 10th at 4:30pm EST.

Be sure to register and see further details.


Graduate Student Research Conference

In this unprecedented time, our OISE graduate students are moving ahead and organizing the 21st annual Graduate Student Research Conference.  On March 5th 2021, be sure to join in this interdisciplinary academic conference, organized with the intention of creating opportunities for graduate students to share their research/work, and network with educational leaders, the broader OISE community, peer groups, and alumni. The GSRC has historically created a space for budding researchers to share and discuss their original scholarly or research contributions while gaining experience in a formal academic conference. OISE Students remain committed to recreating this very space, in a virtual format, to provide a platform to reflect on and celebrate the progressive, innovative, and ground-breaking education related research and practice of the OISE community.


OISE’s Sustainability and Climate Action Plan Launch

Education has a key role to play in addressing the climate crisis. OISE is one of the first Canadian faculties of education to develop its own Sustainability and Climate Action Plan (SCAP). Our plan aims to engage students, staff and faculty in reducing our carbon footprint and better embedding sustainability and climate action in our work.

Join us on Thursday, February 25, 2021 at 4pm EST for the launch of the OISE SCAP by sharing its development process, key components and how all members of the OISE community and its partners can support the plan.

Register in advance for this meeting.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


OISE Review 2020-2021 Update

As announced in the fall term, OISE is currently undergoing an external review commissioned by the Provost. Based on centrally provided data on our programs, research and organizational features, and informed by the consultations from both the fall term 2020 meetings and from the 2019-2020 decanal reviews of our departments, in December 2020, the Dean’s Office completed a draft of the self-study document. The draft self-study was posted on the OISE review website for community feedback before the holiday break. Given the Provostial oversight over the process, the document was also shared with the Provost’s Office for their review and input. Now that we have received some helpful feedback from members of our community and the Provost’s Office, we are working on producing the final draft of the self-study, which is due for submission in the next couple of weeks. Once completed, the final self-study document will be posted on the OISE review website. The virtual site visit is scheduled to take place from March 22 to 26, 2021. Meanwhile, we are grateful to all members of our community for their continued participation and contributions to the review, and we will continue to keep you informed about this important process.


OISE Teaching, Staff and Community Awards Celebration

We are pleased that nominations are now being excepted for OISE’s Staff Excellence Awards, with March 5, 2021 as the deadline to submit your nominations. This year for the first time, we introduce the new Cultivating Community Awards to recognize the achievements of staff, student and faculty members who have undertaken positive actions to influence and improve a sense of belonging, inclusivity and community.

Meanwhile, the Teaching Awards Selection Committee members are busy reviewing the Teaching Excellence Awards nominations. While this year’s award winners will be announced in mid to late March, the Virtual Awards Celebration is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, April 7, 2021 beginning at 2:00 p.m. (registration information to follow later this term). Given that last year’s Awards Celebration had to be cancelled due to the pandemic, we are delighted that at the upcoming virtual Celebration we will be acknowledging both this year’s and last year’s winners and honourees of our teaching and staff excellence awards, long service awards and faculty promotions.

We look forward to celebrating our 2020 and 2021 faculty, staff, and students winners and honourees, and to seeing you all at the virtual Awards Celebration on April 7. Until then, save the date and stay tuned!


Glen A. Jones, Ph.D.
Professor and Dean