
Latest News & Stories


March 14, 2024

March 13, 2024

Excerpt: "The Manitoba government has introduced legislation that would lower the age a child is required to attend school and remove barriers to students enrolling in schools in the area where they live, Education and Early Childhood Learning Minister Nello Altomare announced today. “We want to make sure every kid is set up for success and that means making sure they have access to education, particularly in the critical early years,” said Altomare. “We know when kids attend school regularly, they are more likely to succeed, go to college or university, and get a good job that will help them build a good life. That is why we want to make sure they are able to go to school wherever they are living.”"
A photo of the Philadelphia skyline.
March 13, 2024

OISE at AERA 2024 Program

This year's American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting will feature cutting-edge research by over 100 OISE researchers.
March 12, 2024

Excerpt: "Our greatest ambition has always been the same: to give every child the tools they need to reach their full potential. This is our vision for the Québec of tomorrow. I am announcing that we are continuing our efforts with additional investments of $819 million with a view to: supporting student success by giving them access to the tools they need, for example with the catch-up plan; promoting the attraction and retention of school staff; supporting partner organizations in education; and continuing maintenance of the school building inventory."
March 12, 2024

Excerpt: "Ontario’s Early Years and Child Care Annual Report 2023 describes the early years and child care system, key data and measures for child care and indicators under Ontario’s bilateral federal-provincial early learning and child care agreements with the federal government."
March 7, 2024

Excerpt: "Providing affordable child care: $42.5 million in continued funding for early learning and child care."
March 7, 2024

March 6, 2024

The Student and Family Affordability Fund will add an additional $20 million from the Province to help schools provide support directly to families within their school communities. Funding will be used to help pay for student necessities, such as school supplies, school fees and class trips, as well as additional costs associated with joining a school sports team or music program.