
Ashley Brunsek

June 21, 2021
Ashley Brunsek
Doctor of Philosophy in School and Clinical Child Psychology (SCCP), Class of 2021

What are some words of wisdom you would give to a new or incoming student in your program?
You are not alone. It can feel like a long and arduous road, and at times, a lonely one- but know you have many supporters and cheerleaders along the way. Stop to acknowledge their presence in your journey.

What next?
I am currently on supervised practice, working part time for the Toronto District School Board and part time at a community mental health agency. I work with children, adolescents and families, honoured to be a part of their journey in moving towards mental health and wellness. 

OISE offered me endless opportunities- academically, professionally and personally. The faculty I learned from, the practicum opportunities that were afforded to me, and the social relationships I built have all shaped me into the person and clinician I am today. I particularly enjoyed learning from so many diverse minds and individuals from an array of academic, social and cultural backgrounds. I will always be grateful for my days at OISE!

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