
Natania Marcus

June 22, 2021
Natania Marcus
Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical and Counselling Psychology (CCP), Class of 2021

What are some words of wisdom you would give to a new or incoming student in your program?
Done is better than perfect, take evenings and weekends off and take up an activity/practice completely independent of graduate school. To diversify the seemingly Sisyphean task of dissertation or thesis writing, I found it very helpful to have a practice with a clear beginning and end, where I could complete something within an hour (ex. yoga, pottery). Also--take some risks in your research, clinical or coursework; do something that both excites and scares you, as this can help you to stand out in the long run.

What next?
Right now, I am doing research and working in two clinical positions. I am completing a post-doctoral fellowship examining effectiveness of mental health crisis intervention with and without police, as well as working as a Psychologist in the Gender Identity clinic at CAMH. I am also working in private practice, where I am training to be a therapist on a research trial that integrates MDMA-assisted psychotherapy with an evidence-based couples therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder. I am very excited about the potential for integrating psychedelics into trauma treatment, particularly for groups that have historically been marginalized.

I chose OISE because of its holistic understanding of what it means to be human and how this can translate into nuanced and integrative approaches to clinical work. The opportunity to critically analyze how systems affect mental health is a key aspect that distinguishes OISE's CCP program from other clinical programs. One of my favourite aspects of the training was co-supervising master's students on their first psychotherapy cases as a doctoral student. 

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