
APD1210HY is an elective course for full-time DPE MEd students. This course provides the opportunity to participate in a research project throughout the first year of the program for 0.5 course credit.

As a student enrolled in APD1210HY, you will work closely with a professor (Faculty Supervisor) in the Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development and become involved in original research. You can expect to learn research methods, share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge, and build continuing relationships with faculty members.

Note: In the 2024-2025 academic year, this course will be taught/coordinated/supervised by Dr. Anne-Claude Bedard.

To be eligible for APD1210HY, you must:

Research Practicum Placements 2024-2025

Please click individual project titles for more information about the placement, including a description of project and expectations of participating students.

Project TitleFaculty MemberLab Website
Language and literacy Development of French lmmersion ChildrenBecky ChenChen Lab
Wise Life ManagementMichel Ferrari
Frame and Scope of WisdomMichel Ferrari
Investigating Moral InjuryMichel Ferrari
Imagination and reasoning in young childrenPatricia Ganea
South Asian Immigrant Parents’ Involvement in the Education of Children with Learning Difficulties: Developing and Testing a Cultural Beliefs and Attributions based Intervention ModelEsther Geva
Cannabis and Coping in Emerging AdulthoodAbby Goldstein
Intimate Parnter Violence Survivors’ Experiences with SystemsEllen Gutowski
Stress and Coping during the Transition to UniversityChloe Hamza
The Role of Spatial Reasoning in Mathematics Curricula Around the GlobeZachary Hawes
Anti-Black Racism and Mental Health in Higher Education: Perspectives of Current and Prospective Post-Secondary Students in a Canadian ContextLinda Iwenofu
Supporting student learning through AI-infused technologiesEunice JangJang Lab
Impact of interrupted schooling on the development of neural systems for reading in resettled refugee childrenKaja JasinskaBOLD Lab
Supporting children’s learning with home- and school-based interventions in communities with high risk of illiteracy and child laborKaja Jasinska BOLD Lab
Evaluating the impacts of the an accelerated learning program in Nigerian IDP camps.Kaja JasinskaBOLD Lab
Examining the Health Implications of Multiple Adverse Childhood Experiences: A Meta-CART AnalysisJenny Jenkins
Understanding the conceptualization and operationalization of the differential parenting construct: A scoping reviewJenny Jenkins
Differential parenting and sibling relationships/or children's developmental outcomes: A meta-analysis.Jenny Jenkins
Computational Psychometrics and Trustworthy AIFeng Ji
Cheating behavior and related factorsKang Lee
Investigating the Application of Artificial Intelligence Research and Intervention Tools in Early Years Development: A Scoping ReviewMichal Perlman
Eastern Values, Western Context: Parenting Insights from South Asian Mothers in CanadaMichal Perlman
Play-based learning in kindergarten classroomsAngela Pyle
Effective Strategies for Math Teaching and LearningTracy Solomon TBD


How to Enroll

Step 1

Read available APD1210HY project descriptions in the chart above (see Research Practicum Placements 2024-2025).

Step 2

Enrol in APD1210HY for the 2024-2025 Academic Year. Course selection begins at 6:00am Toronto Time on July 10, 2024 via ACORN. Note: spots for this course will be limited and enrolment will be on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.

Step 3

In July 2024, students who registered successfully in APD1210HY (as well as the first few students waitlisted for this course) will be contacted via email by one of the Course Instructors . They will be asked to complete an application form to indicate which Faculty Supervisor(s) they are interested in working with and to submit a resume/CV. The Course Instructor will review the applications and forward them along to the relevant Faculty Supervisors for review. Note: Please be sure to check your utoronto email address/voicemail regularly throughout July for this correspondence.

Step 4

In early August 2024, the Faculty Supervisors may contact those students they wish to meet and interview. Note: Please be sure to indicate your preferred email and telephone number on your application form for August interviews and please check your email and voicemail regularly during this time as there may be several rounds of interviews. If you cannot be reached during this time, you will not be considered for a research placement within this course

Step 5

By the end of August 2024, each student registered in APD1210HY will be notified by a Course Instructor if they have been matched with a research practicum placement and, if so, with who. Note: the Course Instructor will do her best to accommodate student preferences for research placements but may not be able to grant every registered student their first, second or even third choice. If a student was not matched to a placement, they will be asked to drop the course at this time.

Step 6

Students will have to sign an agreement (contract) with the Faculty Supervisor they have been placed with by the end of September 2024 regarding the agreed upon expectations for participating in the course.

Step 7

Beginning the first week of class, we will meet during in class time every other week during the fall semester to introduce students to working in a research environment (e.g., ethics, writing a proposal, performing literature reviews, etc.

Additional Information

Enrolling in APD1210HY normally requires working 8-10 hours per week on the research project and regularly attending your Faculty Supervisor’s lab meetings.

Evaluation of your performance in APD1210HY will be based on the following components:

ComponentGrade %Due DateGraded by
Research project proposal (2-3 pages written report or lab meeting presentation)10%TBD with your Faculty Supervisor (must be completed by end of the Fall semester)Faculty Supervisor
Lab Duties




December 6, 2024


April 4, 2025

Faculty Supervisor
APHD Research Colloquium Reports5%1 week after the live colloquium attendedCourse Instructor
In Class Participation10%N/ACourse Instructor
Final Project Poster25%April 2, 2025 (TENTATIVE)Course Instructor


June 12, 2024Research project descriptions and detailed course information will be available online.
Week of July 3, 2024Fall/Winter course schedule becomes available online.
July 10, 2024Fall/Winter course registration opens on ACORN.
July 10-19, 2024

Enrolled students will be contacted and asked to submit their CV and an application indicating their top three choices for research projects.

(Note: Enrolled students should check their utoronto email addresses/listed phone numbers regularly throughout July for this correspondence)

July 22 - August 9, 2024

Faculty research supervisors will be able to interview/meet with students interested in their research projects.

(Note: Students must indicate their preferred email addresses and telephone numbers on their application forms for August interviews and check them regularly during this time as there may be multiple rounds of interviews. If students cannot be reached, they may not be considered for a research practicum placement).

August 9, 2024Deadline for faculty research supervisors to rank their student choices.
August 23, 2024Registered students who have been matched will be informed which research project and supervisor they have been matched to. (Note: If a student was not successfully matched to a placement, they will be asked to drop the course at this time).
September 11, 2024First in-class meeting of APD1210 (classes will take place every 2 weeks for September - November and again in March).
September 30, 2024Deadline for student, course instructor and faculty research supervisor to complete research practicum contract.
November 29, 2024Deadline for students to submit or present research proposal to faculty research supervisor (10%). Note: Actual date set by individual faculty research supervisors (may be earlier in the term).
December 6, 2024Deadline for faculty supervisor to evaluate fall term lab duties (25% - rubric will be provided).
January 15, 22 & 29 & February 5, 2025Individual student meetings with course instructor (to be scheduled).
March 5, 2025Winter semester in class seminar
April 4, 2025Deadline for student to submit final research poster (25%)
TBDResearch Practicum Poster Showcase - student will present final research poster.
April 11, 2025Deadline for faculty research supervisor to evaluate winter term lab duties (25% - rubric will be provided).

For more information and advice about APD1210HY Research Practicum, email Course Instructor Dr. Anne-Claude Bedard at ac.bedard@utoronto.ca.