
Policy Monitor

The Policy Monitor tracks Federal, Provincial and Territorial early childhood policy initiatives, developments and announcements.


Excerpt: "Proposals were put before this House by the previous government to cut funding to Alberta’s elementary, secondary and post-secondary school systems – even though education is the single most important investment our province can make in the welfare of our children, and the success of our future economy. In this budget, we confirm we are restoring funding to the education and advanced education budgets that were cut by the former government."

Excerpt: "Over the coming year, Ontario will begin construction on 766 more licensed child care spaces in local schools across the province to improve access to safe, high quality child care."

Excerpt: "We are shaped by the quality of our childhood. Parents understand this intuitively, and try to give their children the best possible experiences. We act on this belief as a society, too, investing in public education, health care, community infrastructure and other supports to ensure that children get the best start in life."

Newfoundland & Labrador
The new Early Learning and Child Care Directory is a searchable online database and interactive map that helps parents identify regulated child care centres, family child care as well as family resource centres in their area. Regulated child care service providers may also publicly post any vacancies in their service using the directory's Child Care Availability page.

Excerpt: "The Manitoba government will invest $375,000 to promote healthy eating for young children by encouraging positive eating environments in child-care settings, Healthy Living and Seniors Minister Deanne Crothers and Family Services Minister Kerri Irvin-Ross announced today at the launch of the province’s new Child Care Nutrition Strategy."

Excerpt: "The Best Practices Licensing Manuals for Early Learning and Child Care Centres and Homes outline licensing regulations, guidelines and best practices. This handbook supports the Best Practices Licensing Manuals by providing practical advice that can be adapted to meet the individual needs of each facility."

Excerpt: "The grants help parents identify and respond to important issues in their school community, including bullying, student nutrition, literacy and math. The grants also support parents to overcome barriers they may face to participate in their children's education, such as language and transportation."

Nova Scotia
Excerpt: "Four communities now have access to increased supports for young children with the official opening of four new early years centres. The expansion means there is now an early years centre in every school board in the province."

Excerpt: "The Manitoba government will build a new child-care facility at the King Edward Community School, resulting in 40 new high-quality, licensed spaces for families living and working in northwest Winnipeg, Family Services Minister Kerri Irvin-Ross and Education and Advanced Learning Minister James Allum announced today."
British Columbia
In the Fall of 2015, the Human Early Learning Partnership was engaged by the provincial Early Years Office to complete an early stage evaluation of the lessons learned from the first twelve Early Years Centres (EYCs) funded under the government’s Early Years Strategy. This report documents the findings from this evaluation.

Excerpt: "This report summarizes what the Premier’s Community Hubs Framework Advisory Group heard when they met with community members, stakeholders and other government ministries to learn how the government can deliver public services through local, community hubs."

Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014, comes into effect.