A space for introducing the recently published articles and books  by faculty and graduate students on a variety of current issues related  to language and literacies. Also, state of the art articles written by scholars outside OISE on each of the following issues are posted.

Language and Culture, Community, and Identity

Angouri, Jo^, Kerekes, Julie A., and Suni, Minna^ (2023). Language, migration and in/exclusion in the workplace. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

Angouri, Jo^, Kerekes, Julie A., and Suni, Minna^ (2023). Migration and language at work: Current trends and future opportunities for multidisciplinary research. In Language, migration and in/exclusion in the workplace, edited by Julie Kerekes, Jo Angouri^, and Minna Suni^. Multilingual Matters.

Bale, J., Rajendram, S., Brubacher, K.*, Adjetey鈥揘ii Owoo, M.*, Burton, J.*, Wong, W.*, Larson, E. J.*, Zhang, Y.*, Gagn茅, A., and Kerekes, J. (2023). Centering multilingual learners and countering raciolinguistic ideologies in teacher education: Principles, policies and practices. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

Brownell, C.J. (2017). Language Identity in the Elementary English Language Arts Classroom. The Reading Teacher, 71(2), 225鈥228.

Chan, E. Y. (2017). Narrative Inquiry: A Dynamic Relationship between Culture, Language and Education. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 42(6). Retrieved from

Kerekes, Julie A., and Sinclair, Jeanne* (2023). The role of soft skills in vocational ESL and Canadian workplaces: Its potential to (dis)empower employment seekers. In Language, migration and in/exclusion in the workplace, edited by Julie Kerekes, Jo Angouri^, and Minna Suni^. Multilingual Matters.

Kerekes, Julie A. (2022). Training for settlement organizations, ESL students, and graduate education: A collaborative approach. In Intercultural twinnings: Commitment for a pluralistic society, edited by Jos茅e Blanchet, Nicole Carignan, Myra Dera卯che and Marie-C茅cile Guillot. Brill Sense Publishers

Piccardo E (2017) Plurilingualism as a Catalyst for Creativity in Superdiverse Societies: A Systemic Analysis. Front. Psychol. 8(2169). doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.02169

Piccardo, E. & Payre-Ficout, C. (2022). Plurilingualism: Integrating languages and cultures in a personally reflective, and socially mediated process. In E. Piccardo,  G. Lawrence, A. Germain Rutherford & A. Galante (2022). Activating linguistic and cultural diversity in the language classroom. (pp. 15-45). New York, NY: Springer International Publishing

Piccardo, E., Antony-Newman, M., Schmor, R., Lawrence, G,, & Galante, A. (2022). All Things Interconnected: Activating Holistic, Dynamic and Diverse Perspectives in the Enactment of Innovative Language Education. Activating linguistic and cultural diversity in the language classroom, 285-306.

Tulloch, S. & Kusugak, A. & Chenier, C. & Pilakapsi, Q. & Uluqsi, G. & Walton, F. (2017). Transformational Bilingual Learning: Re-Engaging Marginalized Learners through Language, Culture, Community, and Identity. The Canadian Modern Language Review / La revue canadienne des langues vivantes. 73(4), 438-462. University of Toronto Press.

Language and Literacy Education

Arnott, S., Brogden, M. J., Faez, F., Peguret, M., Piccardo, E., Rehner, K., Taylor, S. K., & Wernicke, M. (2017). The Common European Framework of Reference (CERF) in Canada: A research agenda. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics / Revue canadienne de linguistique appliqu茅e, 20(1), 31-54.

Bahry, S. (2021). Linguistic hybridity and global mobility. In E. Piccardo, A. Germain-Rutherford & G. Lawrence (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of plurilingual education (pp. 154-170). Routledge.

Casini, S., Bancheri, S. (2022). 鈥淟鈥檌taliano nel mondo globale: tra plurilinguismo, insegnamento ed economia鈥. Piraro, Sergio (a cura di). Plurilinguismo ed economia. Roma: Aracne, 2022. 19-67.

Gagn茅, A., Jaramillo, C., Ortega, Y. (2022). NCARE 鈥 A Network of Critical Action Researchers in Education: Processes & Realizations. In Critical Action Research Challenging the Neoliberal Constrictions of Language and Literacies Education: Auto and Duoethnographies of Global Experiences edited by Antoinette Gagn茅, Amir Kalan and Sreemali Herath. Peter Lang Publishing.

Helms-Park, R., Tucker, S, & Dronjic, V. (2016). From proto-writing to multimedia literacy: scripts and orthographies through the ages. In X. Chen Bumgardner, V. Dronjic,, & R. Helms-Park (Eds.), Second Language Reading: Psycholinguistic and Cognitive Perspectives (pp. 1-31). New York, NY: Routledge Publishers.

Herzog-Punzenberger, B., Le Pichon, E., & Siarova, H. (2017). Multilingual education in the light of diversity: Lessons learned. NESET II report, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2017.

Kerekes, Julie (2018). Language preparation for internationally educated professionals. In B. Vine (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of language in the workplace (pp. 413-424). New York: Routledge.

Kerekes, Julie A. (2017). Language mentoring and employment ideology: Internationally educated professionals in search of work. In J. Angouri, J. Holmes, and M. Marra (Eds.), Negotiating boundaries at work (pp. 11-28). Edinburgh University Press.

Krenca, K., Segers, P. C. J., Verhoeven, L. T. W., Steele, J., Shakory, S., & Chen, X. (2022). Lexical restructuring stimulates phonological awareness among emerging English-French bilingual children鈥檚 literacy. Journal of Child Language, 1-25.

Lasan, I., & Rehner, K. (2018). Expressing and perceiving identity and intentions in a second language: a preliminary exploratory study of the effect of (extra)curricular contact on sociolinguistic development. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 21(6), 632鈥646.

Le Pichon, E. & De Jonge, M. (2015). Linguistic and psychological perspectives on prolonged periods of silence in dual language learners. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 19, (4), 426-441.

Le Pichon, E., Cavalcante, A. & Cummins, J. (2022). L鈥檃pport de la technologie pour l鈥檈nseignement des math茅matiques en contexte plurilingue canadien: une p茅dagogie revisit茅e, In: Plurilinguisme et enseignement des math茅matiques, Dir. P. Escud茅, C. Hache, C. Mendon莽a Dias, Journ茅es PLURIMATHS plurilinguisme & math茅matiques, Universit茅 des Cultures, Sorbonne Nouvelle. Paris, France.

Le Pichon, E. (2022). Literacy in multilingual contexts. In Prasad, Auger & Le Pichon: Multilingualism and Education: Researchers鈥 Pathways and Perspectives, Cambridge University Press.

Le Pichon, E.; Cole, D.; Baauw, S.; Steffens, M.; van den Brink, M.; Dekker, S. (2020). Transcultural itineraries and new literacies: how migration memories could reshape school systems, In Passerini, Proglio and Trakilovi膰, The Mobility of Memory across European Borders. Migrations and Diasporas in Europe and Beyond, Berghahn, New-York. Oxford.

North, B., Piccardo, E., Goodier, T., Fasoglio, D., Margonis, R., & R眉schoff, B. (2022). Enriching 21st century language education: The CEFR Companion Volume, examples from practice. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing.

North, B. & Piccardo, E. (2022). The conceptualisation of mediation in the new CEFR. In P. Katelh枚n & P. Mare膷kov谩 (Eds.) Sprachmittlung im schulischen und universit盲ren Kontext [Linguistic mediation in the school and university context] (pp. 23-44). Berlin: Frank and Timme.

Oladi, S. (2022). 鈥楽oulful Listening鈥: Rumi鈥檚 Story of the Parrot and the Merchant. In Wane, N. & Eizadirad, A. (Eds.). Inter-Generational & Inter-Continental Dialogue; Proverbs, Idioms and Folklore Tales from the Middle East & Africa.

Patience, M., & Steele, J. (2022). Relative difficulty in the acquisition of the phonetic parameters of obstruent coda voicing: Evidence from Mandarin-speaking learners of French. Language & Speech. 238309221114143鈥238309221114143. .

Peterson, S.S., & Greenberg, J. (2017). Teacher intervention to support oral language and literacy in dramatic play contexts. Texas Reading Association Journal, 5(1), 10-23.

Piccardo, E. (2018). Plurilingualism: Vision, Conceptualization, and Practices. In Trifonas, P, Aravossitas, T. (Eds). (pp. 207-226). Handbook of Research and Practice in Heritage Language Education. New York, NY: Springer.

Piccardo, E. (2019). 鈥淲e are all (potential) plurilinguals鈥: plurilingualism as an overarching, holistic concept. Cahiers de l鈥橧LOB/OLBI Working Papers 10, 183-204.

Piccardo, E., Germain Rutherford A. & Lawrence, G. (2021). The Routledge Handbook of Plurilingual language Education. London: Routledge.

Piccardo, E., Lawrence, G. & Germain Rutherford A, Galante A. (2021). Activating Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in the Language Classroom. New York, NY: Springer International Publishing.

Piccardo, E. & North, B. (2019). The Action-oriented Approach: a dynamic vision of language education. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

Piccardo, E., North, B., & Maldina, E. (2019). Promoting innovation and reform in language education through a Quality Assurance template for CEFR implementation. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics / Revue canadienne de linguistique appliqu茅e, Special Issue 22(1), 103-128.

Piccardo, E. (2021). The mediated nature of plurilingualism. In E. Piccardo, A. Germain-Rutherford, & G. Lawrence (Eds.). The Routledge handbook of plurilingual language education. (pp. 65-81). London: Routledge.

Piccardo, E. (2022) Cultivating plurilingual gardens. In G. Prasad, N. Auger & E. Le Pichon-Vorstman (Eds.),  Multilingualism and education: Researchers鈥 pathways and perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press..

Robles-Garc铆a, P. (2022). Receptive vocabulary knowledge in L2 learners of Spanish: The role of high frequency words. Foreign Language Annals, 1-22.

Simon, R., & Kalan, A. (2017). Adolescent literacy and collaborative inquiry. In D. Appleman & K. Hinchman (Eds.), Adolescent Literacy: A Handbook of Practice-based Research. NY: Routledge.

Singh, M. (2016). Intercultural language and literacy education: Professional standards for post-monolingual school-embedded teacher-researcher education. TESOL in Context, 25(2), 20鈥43.

Thanyathamrongkul, R., Singhasiri, W., & Keyuravong, S. (2018). Language literacy, language education policy and classroom practices in a Thai primary school context. Issues in Educational Research28(4), 1060鈥1079.

Tomita, Y., & Choi, Y. (2022). Creating a path to effective online classroom language teaching: Bridging SLA theory and practice in Korean and Japanese classes. In R. Friedman and A. George (Eds.), Online language teaching in diverse contexts: International perspectives from Canada and beyond. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars.

Wang, Z., & Silva, T. (2021). Introduction: Reconciling translingualism and second language writing. In T. Silva & Z. Wang (Eds.), Reconciling Translingualism and Second Language Writing (pp. 1-10). Routledge.

Wehner, A., Gump, A., Downey, S. (2011). The effects of Second Life on the motivation of undergraduate students learning a second language. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 24 (3), 277 鈥 289

Language Planning and Policy

Bale, J., & *Kawaguchi, M. (2020). Heritage-language education policies, anti-racist activism and discontinuity in 1970s and 1980s Toronto. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 17, 5鈥25.

Bale, J. (2016). Spectator democracy: An intersectional analysis of education reform in Hamburg, Germany. European Education, 48, 23-42.

Bale, J. (2015). Language planning and policy and global political economy. In T. Ricento (Ed.), Language policy, political economy, and English in a global context (pp. 72-96) Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Bale,  J. (2015). English-only to the core: Bilingual education and the Common Core State Standards. Rethinking Schools.

Bale, J. (2014). Heritage language education policy and the 鈥渘ational interest.鈥 Review of Research in Education, 38, 166-188.

Casini, S. (2022). What is the Language of Power? Theoretical Reflections on Italian, Italiese and Other Languages. New York 鈥 Ottawa 鈥 Toronto: Legas, 2022. With Salvatore Bancheri.

Cook, W., Luke, J., Valeo, A., & Barkaoui, K. (2021). Institutional language policy and ESL teachers鈥 L2 writing assessment practices. Canadian Modern Language Review /La Revue Canadienne des langues vivantes, 77(2), 93-109.

*Kim, H., *Burton, J., *Ahmed, T., & Bale, J. (2020). Linguistic hierarchisation in education policy development: Ontario鈥檚 Heritage Languages Program. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 41, 320鈥332. (published online 2019)

Kubota, R., & Bale, J. (2020). Bilingualism鈥攂ut not plurilingualism鈥攑romoted by immersion education in Canada: Questioning equity for EAL students. TESOL Quarterly, 54, 773鈥785. .

Niyozov, S. & Bahry, S. A. (2022). Decolonization of Education Research, Policy-Making and Education Practice in Central Asia: The Case of Tajikistan. In A. W. Wiseman (Ed.), Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2021 (International Perspectives on Education and Society, Vol. 42A) (pp. 161.183). Emerald Publishing. 

Language Assessment

Eppley, K., Peterson, S.S., & Heppner, D. (2022). Valuing rural and Indigenous social practices: Play as placed learning in kindergarten classrooms. In S.S. Peterson & N. Friedrich (Eds.), Roles of place and play in young children鈥檚 oral and written language (pp. 17-32). Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.

Friedrich, N., & Peterson, S.S. (2022). Assessing four- and five-year old children鈥檚 play-based writing: Use of a collaboratively-developed assessment tool. Early Years: An International Research Journal, 30(1), 106-121

Love, S. V. (2015). Language testing, 鈥榠ntegration鈥 and subtractive multilingualism in italy: Challenges for adult immigrant second language and literacy education. Current Issues in Language Planning, 16(1-2), 26-42.

North, B., & Piccardo, E. (2016). Developing illustrative descriptors of aspects of mediation for the common european framework of reference (CEFR): A council of europe project. Language Teaching, 49(3), 455-459.

Piccardo, E. (2013). (Re) conceptualiser l鈥檈nseignement d鈥檜ne langue seconde 脿 l鈥檃ide d鈥檕utils d鈥櫭﹙aluations : comment les enseignants canadiens per莽oivent le CECR. The Canadian Modern Language Review / La revue canadienne des langues vivantes 69(4), 386-414. University of Toronto Press.

Piccardo, E. (2020). The Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) in Language Education: Past, Present, and Future. TIRF Language Education in Review (LEiR) Series tirfonline.org/2020/03/leir-cefr-past-present-future/

Peterson, S.S., & Friedrich, N. (2022) Viewing young children鈥檚 drawing, talking, and writing through a 鈥榣anguage as context鈥 lens: Implications for literacy assessment, International Journal of Early Years Education, 30(1), 106-121, DOI: 10.1080/09669760.2021.1956439

Peterson, S.S. (2017). Developing a play-based communication assessment through collaborative action research with teachers in northern Canadian Indigenous communities. Literacy, 51(1), 36-43.

Purpura, J. E. (2016). Second and foreign language assessment. The Modern Language Journal, 100(S1), 190-208

Robles-Garc铆a, P., Wallace, G. H., & S谩nchez-Guti茅rrez, C. (2022). 3K-LEx-MC: The creation and validation of a multiple-choice vocabulary test in Spanish. International Journal of Applied Linguistics.

Language Pedagogy

Eisazadeh, N., Rajendram, S., Portier, C., & Peterson, S.S. (2017). Indigenous children鈥檚 use of language during play in rural northern Canadian kindergarten classrooms. Literacy Research: Theory, Method, and Practice, 22, 1-16.

Gagn茅, A., Schmidt, C., & Markus, P. (2017). Teaching about refugees: Developing culturally responsive educators in contexts of politicised transnationalism. Intercultural Education, 28(5), 429-446.

Gagn茅, A., & Soto Gordon, S. (2015). Leadership education for english language learners as transformative pedagogy. Intercultural Education, 26(6), 530-546.

Oladi, S. & Portelli, J. P. (2021). Post-truth society: Toward a dialogical understanding of truth. In Critical issues in post-truth society, ed. Alex Greg. Emerald, UK.

Wang, Z. (2022). Auto-ethnographic performance of differences as anti-racist pedagogy. In B. Schreiber, E. Lee, J. Johnson, & N. Fahim (Eds.), Linguistic Justice on Campus: Pedagogy and Advocacy for Multilingual Students (pp. 41-57). Multilingual Matters.

Language Curriculum

Piccardo, E. (2013). Plurilingualism and curriculum design: Toward a synergic vision. TESOL Quarterly, 47(3), 600-614.

Portier, C., & Peterson, S.S. (2017). Creative collaborative curriculum activities: Playful learning pre-kindergarten to grade two. Toronto, ON: NOW Play Press.

Portier, C., Friedrich, N., Liendo, A., & Peterson, S.S. (2018). Creative collaborative curriculum activities: Playful learning pre-kindergarten to grade two. Volume 2. Toronto, ON: NOW Play.

Hong, R., Rawle, F., Brown, T., Murck, B. (2017). Curriculum Mapping Across Disciplines: Differences, Approaches, and Strategies. CELT, vol. X, celt.uwindor.ca, stlhe.ca, 2017

Teacher Education

Bale, J. & *Lackner, L. (2022). Centering Multilingual Learners and Countering Racism in Teacher Education: A Comparative Analysis of Research in Austria, Germany and Canada. In I. Mentor (Ed.), Palgrave Handbook of Teacher EducationResearch (pp. 1鈥26). Palgrave.

Brownell, C. J. (2017). Starting where you are, revisiting what you know: A letter to a first-year teacher addressing the hidden curriculum. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 14(3), 205-217.

Gagn茅, A., Bale, J., Kerekes, J., Rajendram, S. Nii Owoo, M., Brubacher, K., Burton, J., Larson E., Wong, W., Zhang, Y. (2022). Centring multilingual learners and countering racism in Canadian teacher education. Cahier de l鈥橧LOB/ Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute 鈥 OLBI Journal, 12. doi.org/10.18192/olbij.v12i1.5982

Gagn茅, A., Rajendram, S. & Wattar, D. (2022). Working Toward Equity and Engagement in an Online Course for Future K-12 Teachers. In Teaching in the Post COVID-19 Era: World Education Dilemmas, Teaching Innovations and Solutions in the Age of Crisis edited by I. Fayed, I., & J. Cummings, J. Springer Publishing. New York.

Kosnik, C., Rowsell, J., Williamson, P., Simon, R. & Beck, C. (Eds.). (2013). Literacy Teacher Educators: Preparing Teachers for a Changing World. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Mougeon R., & Rehner K. (2019). Patterns of sociolinguistic variation in teacher classroom speech. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 2019(00), 1鈥23.

Rehner, K., Popovich, A., & Lasan, I. (2021). How the CEFR is impacting French-as-a-second-language in Ontario, Canada: Teachers鈥 self-reported instructional practices and students鈥 proficiency exam results. In M. Howard (ed.). The Acquisition of French as a Second Language (pp. 179-199). Basel, Switzerland: MDPI. (21 pages)

Robles-Garc铆a, P., S谩nchez-Guti茅rrez, C., & P茅rez Serrano, M. (2022). L2 Spanish vocabulary teaching in US universities: Instructors鈥 beliefs and reported practices. Language Teaching Research, 1-23.