
File Sharing

Data mobility refers to the process of sharing documents either within an organization or with external parties. When transferring sensitive files externally—such as through email or other online platforms—several risks may arise.

Here are key risks to be aware of, along with best practices to ensure secure data transfers:

Risks to Avoid

Uncontrolled Access

Documents can be forwarded and accessed by unauthorized individuals when you share them as attachments over email.

No Version Control/Unauthorized Modifications

Lack of version control can lead to unauthorized modifications and loss of document integrity.

What to Do

Use SharePoint

Change your practice from sending attachments via email to using the “Share” function of OneDrive or SharePoint.

Use Inbuilt Restrictions

When using SharePoint to share documents, ensure proper settings are applied to restrict downloads and control view, review, and edit permissions. Use these settings thoughtfully, ensuring they align with the specific needs of the document to secure data and prevent unauthorized access.

Set Expiration

Ensure to set expiration time on the document you share.

Enable Versioning

Use versioning and log changes in a document to keep track of modifications and maintain document integrity.

Monitor Folder & Document Access

Use the tracking features available in OneDrive and SharePoint to monitor who accesses your documents and what changes are made. When projects end or employees leave, it’s a good time to review access to folders and ensure that only the appropriate individuals still have access. Conducting periodic access reviews, such as quarterly, is also a best practice to maintain data security and compliance.

Attend our Drop-in

Attend our drop-in sessions to learn more about using the “Share” function of OneDrive and SharePoint. Discover tips and tricks for secure document sharing and improve your document management practices.