
News & Stories: In Memoriam

August 14, 2020

Beulah Worrell, Staff Member

Beulah Worrell worked at OISE for over 40 years and served as Secretary of the OISE Psychology Clinic for many of these years.
August 6, 2020

Carol Kelley, Alumna, Instructor

Carol was a teacher for many years in the TDSB and a well-loved instructor in the BEd program in the Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning at OISE
February 7, 2021

Valerie Mah, Alumnus, BEd, MEd

Toronto has lost one of its most energetic and dedicated community builders with the death of Valerie Mah.
February 27, 2021

Ruth Marks, Staff Member

Ruth was a permanent status librarian at OISE in the 1960s and retired in 1998. 
April 18, 2021

Evelyn Wilson, Staff Member

As a OISE Continuing and Professional Learning (CPL) team member, Evelyn’s commitment to education inspired many to pursue an education path as their chosen profession.
April 24, 2021

Philip R.D. Corrigan, Faculty Member

Corrigan’s broad intellectual interests encompassed historical sociology, Marxist theory, cultural studies and critical pedagogy, and sociology of education.
June 21, 2021

Eleanor Gower, Instructor & Office Head

Those who worked with Eleanor, relied on her wisdom and strength when facilitating administrative tasks, solving problems and providing guidance and support.
June 24, 2021

Mimi Ho, Staff Member

Throughout Mimi’s incredible 30 years of service at the OISE Library, she remained deeply committed to providing excellent customer service for U of T students, staff, and faculty.