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Which current event (Local, National, International) might spark interest in the Enduring Understanding(s)/ Big Idea(s)? What popular media might I use to introduce and enhance student understanding? Learning Goals What the students need to achieve by the end of the lesson (not all categories need to be addressed in each lesson) Knowledge and Understanding What content information should students know and understand? Thinking What critical and creative thinking skills and/or processes will be addressed? Communication How will students convey meaning? Application How will students use their knowledge and skills to make connections within and between various contexts? Assessment: Minds On What are you looking/listening for? What assessment tools and strategies are you going to use? Select the type of assessment appropriate for this section of the lesson. Assessment FOR Learning Assessment AS Learning Assessment OF Learning  Minds On: Activating Prior Knowledge What prior knowledge do my students need in order to relate to and be successful with the content of the lesson? Describe how you will activate prior knowledge and stimulate student energy/excitement about the learning. Refer back to the Connecting with Students section. List any necessary materials. Assessment: Action What are you looking/listening for? What assessment tools and strategies are you going to use? Select the type of assessment appropriate for this section of the lesson. Assessment FOR Learning Assessment AS Learning Assessment OF Learning Action (small group or independently, investigation, use of manipulatives, technology, etc.) Describe, in sequence, how students will explore and investigate your focus for learning. List any necessary materials. Differentiated Instruction Identify how you will differentiate this lesson to meet the needs of all learners (be specific). Learning Environment Content Process Product What accommodations and modifications (for students with IEPs) will you make to support students with special needs? What strategies will you use to support English Language Learners? Assessment: Consolidation and Connection What are you looking/listening for? What assessment tools and strategies are you going to use? Select the type of assessment appropriate for this section of the lesson. Assessment FOR Learning Assessment AS Learning Assessment OF Learning Consolidation and Connection Describe how you are going to revisit/ highlight the big idea(s), identify common errors, and have the students reflect on their learning (metacognition). Include guiding questions that you would ask students to help them make connections to the big ideas(s). List any necessary materials.  Next Steps Based on Assessment FOR Learning and Assessment AS Learning, record next steps which may include thoughts about the next lesson, groupings, instructional strategies, home connections etc. Self Reflection What parts of your lesson were successful in helping your students understand the Big Idea(s)? What instructional decisions were successful in meeting the needs of all students? Reflect on your planning and delivery of the lesson and record any changes/modifications that you might make as you continue to move forward with lesson delivery.      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