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Learning Goals: State learning goals in direct, explicit, student-friendly language. We are learning to: Guiding Questions: List 2-3 questions that frame students learning in the lesson. Instructional Components and Context Readiness: List what students need to know and be able to do before beginning new learning. The lesson may include an initial task intended to identify students prior knowledge and skills (e.g., diagnostic activity). Terminology: List key terms that are used in the lesson as either a conceptual learning focus or a functional, shared vocabulary. Materials: List all materials required by the teacher and the student for the lesson. Backward Design Question 2: How will we know students are learning? Assessment for, as and of learningAssessment Success Criteria (achievement chart category, criterion) Assessment Tool(s): (i.e., checklist, rubric, rating scale, anecdotal, comments, marking scheme) Backward Design Question 3: How will assessment and instruction be organized for teaching and learning?Minds On: Activating Prior Knowledge can be a warm up/fitness blast or specific to the game/sport being taught for activity based class or hook activity for health lesson (Establish a positive learning environment, connecting to prior learning or experiences, setting the context for learning) Action: (Introducing new learning or extending/reinforcing prior learning, providing opportunities for practice and application for learning)  Consolidation (Helping students demonstrate what they have learned, providing opportunities for consolidation and reflection) Self Reflection What parts of your lesson were successful in helping your students understand the Big Idea(s)? What instructional decisions were successful in meeting the needs of all students? Reflect on your planning and delivery of the lesson and record any changes/modifications that you might make as you continue move forward with lesson delivery.Bottom of Form     HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION - THREE PART LESSON PLANNER Used for Activity Based Lesson and/or Health lesson OISE/UT Health and Physical Education: C. Temertzoglou  ij   2 3 4 5 Z [ r s t v  o`oO?h^h6CJPJ^JaJ jhN hUmHnHuh6CJPJ^JaJ %jh6CJPJU^JaJ h6CJPJ^JaJ "jh6CJPJU^JaJ h]h6CJPJ^JaJ h56CJPJ^JaJ "h]h56CJPJ^JaJ h5B*CJ^Jph h#.*hh5CJ^Jh#.*h5CJ^Jh jklvd$&#$/Ifgdmkd$$Ifl)9* t 609*44 lad$&#$/Ifgdgd 2 J $&#$/Ifgdd$&#$/1$7$8$H$Ifgdd$&#$/1$7$8$H$Ifgd      2 3 4 J K L M r s {jX"h}h56CJPJ^JaJ j hN hUmHnHu jthN hUmHnHuh}h6CJPJ^JaJ j%hN hUmHnHu"jh6CJPJU^JaJ jhN hUmHnHuh6CJPJ^JaJ %jh6CJPJU^JaJ h6CJPJ^JaJ !   ' ( ? @ A ^ x  & ' > ? 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