16:14:13 Little bit of movement so little bit of mindful movement on the chair. Yeah, that's fine. No worries. 16:14:20 So just starting with sitting. 16:14:23 If you like you can close your eyes, or just keep a soft, open gaze. 16:14:33 And whatever posture you're sitting in, if you want to do it even lying down or standing that's fine. 16:14:40 But in whatever posture you're in seeing if maybe you can keep the feet in contact with the ground, supported by the ground beneath you. 16:14:52 Perhaps even imagining the earth beneath the feet. 16:14:56 Or if you have a block or cushion or something the feet are on them. Just feeling that contact the touch points between the feet and the support healing the soles of the feet pads of the toes. 16:15:27 The heel inner and outer edges. 16:15:20 Any sensations that you notice in the feet sensations of touch temperature. 16:15:32 Or maybe there's no sensation and just noticing that just a felt sense that these feet are here. 16:15:41 Maybe it's subtle beats vibrations 16:15:46 and checking in with the rest of the body. Any other points of contact or support the hips, or the buttocks resting on a chair, perhaps, or the back. 16:16:01 If you're leaning into something where the hands resting on the lap, checking in with the spine growing the spine, out of the pelvis the hips, lengthening the spine, noticing that we have these neutral curves in the back, inward curve in the low back 16:16:29 slightly c shaped curve in the upper back. 16:16:34 Another inward curve in the back of the neck. 16:16:40 And if the shoulders are resting up around the ears perhaps like you're holding something tension or you're cold or something, seeing if you can just maybe let them rest. 16:16:53 Letting go of any unnecessary wait. 16:16:57 And then with a slight nod in the chin lengthening the neck. 16:17:03 And then sending the crown of the head up towards the sky, lengthening the entire spine, the head, the neck, connected with the feet on the ground, and the crown of the head up towards the sky, and in the center of the body, perhaps bringing your attention 16:17:24 to this place. A couple of inches below the belly button. 16:17:30 Place of balance of strength connections support. This is where the core strength comes from this is the support for the low back. 16:17:44 For the hip flexors. 16:17:47 Maybe even placing a hand there just feeling this point below the belly button, 16:17:54 and then taking some full breaths breathing, all the way in to the belly, perhaps, or wherever the breath goes. 16:18:09 And as you're breathing in, perhaps noticing how the belly might rise on the inhale and fall on the exhale. 16:18:18 It's really getting a felt sense of the breath in the body, whatever way you can. 16:18:27 Taking a few breaths like this. 16:18:42 embodying the practice of mindful awareness. 16:18:52 Know taking this into a bit of movement and you can do the movement with your eyes 16:19:00 open or closed, just beginning to move the body with breath. 16:19:09 And on the inhale, sending the hours up towards the sky, lengthening reaching for the sky for the ceiling and breathing here. 16:19:23 Feeling the expansion of the ribcage with each inhale, or the rising of the belly with each inhale and then on the exhale contraction falling of the belly, as if you are reaching all the way up towards the sky. 16:19:41 And then on the next exhale releasing the arms bringing them all the way down to the lap. 16:19:50 And on the next inhale reaching one arm up towards the sky and leaning over to the opposite side stretching out the side body, bringing the shoulders. 16:20:06 Closer to the waist, dropping the shoulders. 16:20:13 Finding a side band. 16:20:16 Continuing to have an awareness of that place of connection of support below the belly button. 16:20:25 Just as a point of contact or support for the body. 16:20:30 And on the next exhale releasing the arm down to the lab and coming back to sitting upright tall. 16:20:39 On the next inhale raising the opposite arm up and leaning over to the opposite side and stretching out that site body breathing here, noticing any sensations, no right or wrong. 16:20:58 Whatever is here right now, just exploring how it's showing up in the body. 16:21:13 One more breath here. 16:21:15 And then slowly releasing the arm back down on the exhale. 16:21:22 And then from here with a tall spine, bringing the right hand into the small of the back or the low back. 16:21:32 And the left hand around the outside of the right side and twisting towards the right. 16:21:39 And as you're twisting, seeing if you can keep some length in the spine and relaxing the shoulders, and the neck and the head. 16:21:51 Just going to your own range of motion, and breathing here. 16:21:59 And then anytime if a movement doesn't feel right for your body. 16:22:04 And just changing it to suit your own body, or just coming back to sitting and breathing. 16:22:14 Then on the next exhale, coming back to center and repeating that on the other side, bringing the left hand into the low back to support the back and then the right hand around the thigh and just rotating twisting over to the other side 16:22:33 and taking some full breaths here, 16:22:38 feeling any sensations. 16:22:46 Perhaps noticing different sensations on the side, stretching lengthening twisting holding. 16:22:56 And then exhaling back to center. 16:23:01 From here clasping the hands in front of the body and flipping the palms forward and curling the spine into a C shape, sending the head forward, arms forward. 16:23:17 The spine is like a cat stretch. 16:23:25 Then inhaling raising the arms up and separating the palms and just sending the arm slightly back behind the ears. Finding a gentle back band, kind of like a seated cows stretch and exhaling bringing the hands back to center. 16:23:49 And then from here just looking right and looking left, 16:23:55 as if you were just turning the head from side to side, just noticing any sensations. 16:24:05 Maybe sensations in the neck or shoulders, or none at all. 16:24:13 Be cracking sounds the body makes and coming back to center and beginning to rotate the head slowly mindfully aware of any sensations that are here. 16:24:29 Eyes open or closed and just breathing in the background, 16:24:37 maybe for the first time today you might be stretching noticing tightness tension or a sense of ease. 16:24:49 Let me thoughts arise just noting them gently letting them go, guiding the attention back to the body. 16:25:00 And then reversing the direction. 16:25:12 Perhaps there's a lot of intensity in this movement. 16:25:17 intense sensations and just maybe breathing into wherever there's the intensity, expanding on the inhale into that place and. 16:25:30 On the exhale softening releasing 16:25:37 slowly coming back to center. 16:25:39 And now beginning to rotate the shoulders forward up back and down the back body just rolling the shoulders, feeling any sensations, 16:25:56 breathing. 16:25:59 With the movement or in the background. 16:26:10 One last time. 16:26:12 and then reversing the direction. 16:26:26 Slowing that down and just beginning to come back to sitting in some kind of stillness maybe micro movements are still happening. 16:26:39 Just checking in with the body and how it feels right now. 16:26:45 Breathing here. 16:26:49 And from here. 16:26:52 Straightening one leg and lengthening that leg along the ground or Matt, whatever posture you're sitting in. You can leave the heel on the ground the opposite leg can be with the knee bent. 16:27:07 so just finding a bit of length in the back of the leg. 16:27:11 So if it's the right leg stretching the right leg all the way out in front of you pointing the toes up towards the sky. At first, and then rotating the ankle in one direction. 16:27:26 And then the other direction. 16:27:32 If you're not sure what to do. And just stretching the right like in any way that feels good right now for the body, and if you want to intensify that you might stop rotating the ankle and just lean forward hindering forward at the hips, finding a bit 16:27:54 a deeper stretch in the leg. Breathing here, perhaps even directing the breath all the way into the back of the leg possible. 16:28:02 And if you're not feeling much in the way of sensation just knowing that you're stretching or knowing that the leg is long, And that you're here right now in this posture. 16:28:17 One more breath, and then coming back to center. 16:28:22 Bringing the leg back bending that right knee, and then stretching out the left leg heel on the ground, 16:28:36 just stretching it out, starting to rotate the ankle in one direction. 16:28:43 Breathing in the background. And then the other direction. 16:28:50 And then perhaps leaning forward and finding a little bit of a deeper stretch in the leg. 16:28:58 This is optional. 16:29:01 Breathing here. 16:29:07 And then releasing this bringing 16:29:12 bringing the leg back bending the name. 16:29:15 And then from here. 16:29:19 Crossing the ankle over the right ankle over the left side coming into a finger for shape with the legs, the right knee bent right ankle resting on the left die. 16:29:35 And just finding a little bit of a opening lengthening in the side of the right hip. 16:29:51 Breathing here. And if you like once again leaning forward and finding a deeper stretch in the right hand. 16:30:09 Shoulders resting head and neck neutral. 16:29:59 Breathing here, 16:30:03 then exhaling coming back to center and then doing the other side, left ankle resting on the right side. 16:30:15 Left knees bent, churning out the left thigh. 16:30:22 Breathing here. 16:30:24 And then slowly leaning forward. 16:30:30 Finding length. 16:30:36 Noticing if sensations are changing in the body or if the breath is changing. 16:30:45 And then slowly bringing the body back to sitting upright, to sitting in neutral. 16:30:54 And then one last time inhaling sending the arms up towards the sky lengthening breathing here. 16:31:03 Exhaling bringing the arms all the way down. 16:31:07 And just checking in with the body, 16:31:13 noticing how the body feels any sensations body sitting.