12:30:11 Wonderful! So welcome, everybody and just always taking care of yourself, understanding that there is support beyond our practice together, connecting with people at the Ois community or in your own communities as well as what's available. 12:30:31 And then know that as we start to wrap up our sessions you can come back over and over to this resource that we've been doing together. 12:30:40 With all the different links, as well as all the different talks that we've talked about this year. 12:30:49 Okay. So last time we talked about anthropomorphizing. So we're gonna add on this week with proactive engagement. 12:31:06 So when we proactively engage, we meet and give space and time to whatever meeting or pointers variety. 12:31:12 So really feeling that afterthropomorphize form that's something that's not human that we've attributed human characteristics to. 12:31:21 And as this messenger fully reveals itself, we welcome and inquire, ask questions, and then again giving space and time to sense each answer within ourselves, and the answers can arise in any form as well. 12:31:36 Sensation, emotion, thought, memory, or imagery. We have a dialogue with our inner voice, our guide, and then, during guided meditation or a co-meditation diad, we might even notice something that's often overlooked. 12:31:51 We can experience and find some insight potent or compelling message. 12:31:58 So the invitation throughout this day and this week and beyond, is perhaps intentionally practice. 12:32:04 Just the degree that feels possible anthropomorphizing and proactive engagement. 12:32:14 And then, as messengers or pointers arise, welcome them, giving them space, inquiring, asking questions, and feeling each other, and then, knowing that you could interweave the felt sense of being and well being in a resource, connecting us to that unchanging awareness so let's complete our time, together. 12:32:32 with Irs integrative restoration, always taking care if any discomfort arises. 12:32:40 So start to settle in. 12:32:45 Whatever that looks like for today. 12:32:49 Body positioning itself in any way. 12:32:56 Eyes, gazing, opening, or closing. 12:33:04 Setting aside any residue of the day. 12:33:12 Senses liberating more and more all around you. 12:33:19 Sensing, temperature. 12:33:24 Colors. 12:33:29 Any live or shadows. 12:33:35 Taste. 12:33:40 Sense, or fragrances. 12:33:48 Don't needing to attach or detach. 12:33:55 The body, making any final adjustments at all, feel completely peaceful and at ease. 12:34:07 During. Irest like to create every experience as messengers or pointers, just as they are. 12:34:22 How's your ready like to reflect on your heart's deepest desire? 12:34:28 Your why, for this lifetime? 12:34:34 Experiencing and airming the felt sense of this. 12:34:42 As if you're living and expressing it with the entire body. 12:34:46 At this very moment? 12:34:56 Reflect upon an intention. 12:35:00 Why, for this moment, for this practice? 12:35:07 Supporting you, and realizing the heartfelt desire. 12:35:13 Whatever resonates for you. 12:35:17 Perhaps to welcome and be with whatever's arising from awareness. 12:35:27 Remembering and fully welcoming the intention, the whole body in mind. 12:35:39 Welcome in the inner resource. 12:35:43 Safe haven or refuge. 12:35:48 Supporting you, to feel secure and safe. 12:35:54 At ease and okay, at a moment's notice. 12:36:02 Perhaps connecting through imagery, and live in by the 5 senses. 12:36:14 If anything else comes into perception, just not needing to fix or change. 12:36:21 Noticing as it expands and dissolves all on its own time. 12:36:29 Perhaps words connect you to this inner resource. Whatever words resonate with you. 12:36:42 And I felt sensed. 12:36:47 A deep breath in the entire body. 12:36:55 Felt sense emanating from the heart. 12:37:03 Or perhaps a release in the muscles, the jaw, her shoulders. 12:37:11 Recognizing a firm that you can return to this inner resource at anytime during the irest practice and an everyday life. 12:37:29 Whenever you feel the need for being secure. 12:37:34 Okay. And it is. 12:37:44 Allowing my words to be your words, as attention floats through the body. 12:37:51 Feeling, the way. 12:37:59 Jaw in mouth. 12:38:08 Nose and ears. 12:38:21 Eyes and forehead. 12:38:29 The entire face and head as Sensation. 12:38:41 Without needing to judge or analyze. 12:38:46 Follow sensation throughout the entire body. 12:39:05 The unified head and body as Sensation. 12:39:17 And the felt sense of the inner resource of being an adult-. 12:39:28 And attention floating throughout the body, breathing in itself. 12:39:39 Abundance of energy floating throughout the entire body. 12:39:50 Each changing sensation reveals something unchanging. 12:39:57 Wellness of being which you also are. 12:40:04 As you're ready, might you welcome a particular sensation, emotion? 12:40:15 Or thought? 12:40:18 Something manageable, arising from awareness. 12:40:29 If it were to walk into the room. 12:40:33 What would it look like? 12:40:38 Is this form, human? 12:40:43 Or animal. 12:40:52 For an amorphous shape. 12:41:02 Just taking your time to note any details about its shape. 12:41:11 Texture. 12:41:15 Color. 12:41:24 Character. 12:41:32 Temperament. 12:41:39 Perhaps even its age. And how it's dressed. 12:41:50 And if nothing's present, just being with whatever's most calling, the attention. 12:42:04 Now to the degree that feels comfortable for you. 12:42:08 Inquiring and feeling each answer. 12:42:15 That is helpful, interweaving the energy, resource of being well being each step of the way. 12:42:26 Inquiring, how and where does this form or messenger need to be to feel safe? 12:42:36 Perhaps on the doorstep. We're in the corner of the room. 12:42:51 Taking your time, might you inquire, how does this messenger feel about me? 12:43:09 When you're ready inquiring, how do you feel about this messenger? 12:43:34 Without meeting, to fix or change anything. 12:43:39 Interweaving the inner resource of being and well-being. 12:43:51 Welcoming everything as a friendly messenger. 12:43:56 Arising and expanding, dissolving in unchanging awareness. 12:44:14 Now, as you're ready, the degree that feels comfortable for you. 12:44:20 As you welcome this form or messenger, this pointer. 12:44:24 Might you inquire and feel into each answer? 12:44:30 Proactively engaging. 12:44:37 And if helpful, interweaving the inner resource of being and well-being. 12:44:43 Each step of the way. 12:44:51 Inquiring? 12:44:54 What does it want and need? 12:45:09 As you're ready inquiring, what would you like to say to it? 12:45:32 And taking your time, inquiring, what action is it asking me to take in the world? 12:45:51 Whatever your experience is, your perfect experience. 12:46:06 And then noticing, if there's anything for you wish to say to this messenger. 12:46:15 Taking all the time you need. 12:46:31 Dissolving into being awareness the field in which this experience is arising. 12:46:40 Expanding. 12:46:44 And returning back to. 12:46:48 In its own time. 12:47:02 Feeling yourself as this unchanging source. 12:47:08 Unchanging awareness. 12:47:11 Pure being which you also are. 12:47:21 And perhaps feeling of joy appears. 12:47:29 Independent of anything and anyone. 12:47:39 Why don't you interweave the phone sense of the inner resource? 12:47:47 Not missing her joy is also a changing sensation. 12:47:59 Revealing something unchanging. 12:48:05 Unchanging awareness. 12:48:11 Now imagine going about everyday life awareness awake and aware of itself. 12:48:24 Sensing and affirming how an each moment you always recognize the perfect, precise response to each situation in life. 12:48:42 Reflect on this experience. 12:48:47 Welcoming, unchanging awareness. 12:48:56 Which everything unfolds, expands, it iss back in its own time. 12:49:11 Taking your time now, as you gradually transition back to waking life. 12:49:21 Sensing the space and surfaces that have been supporting you. 12:49:29 Temperature. 12:49:36 Colors or light shadows. 12:49:43 Sounds. 12:49:48 Tastes. 12:49:52 Sense. 12:49:58 All the while resting and being spacious. 12:50:05 Timeless. 12:50:09 Connected. 12:50:13 Perfect and whole. 12:50:22 Your own time, I start to open and close as body finds smooth. 12:50:29 Fully integrating this experience into waking life, perhaps feeling refreshed and ready. 12:50:37 All the while accompanied by the felt sense of being and homeless. 12:50:48 Moving back into everyday life, appreciative of this time for yourself and the practice of Irs. 12:50:56 Thanks, everybody. So before we engage maybe we'll do a little bit of stretching. 12:51:01 I thought we could do some standing months for a change. So just to wa wake up the body, this feels okay. 12:51:08 So, Baby Stan, you can't see my whole body, but I'm gonna just be really tall and on my tippy toes. 12:51:14 So really, this long axial extension, and then excel with the side. 12:51:19 I can inhale. Really tall when your tip toes and exhale to side. 12:51:24 Feels okay, you can cross your legs. We'll come into a lateral sideband. 12:51:29 The body really likes and enjoys this. So this long side Ben, can even interlace your hands and just gently draw the body to one side. 12:51:36 So, just see how that feels in the body can do this. 12:51:39 Seated as well. Another breath as you're ready, inhale back to center, careless to the other side. 12:51:46 So, crossing the legs the other way. Long axial extension and then, finding that sideband seem that Nice might feel different on this side. 12:51:53 So just notice you can draw the hand towards the other side. 12:51:57 Long body, another breath beautiful! Take your time coming back, and then let's come to just a twist, so bring our hand behind us. 12:52:08 So it's like this. Behind us. And then, as you turn, maybe rolling at once, no way. 12:52:14 One more time. Do that again. Same direction. 12:52:19 And we're gonna do the other side. So the other arm down and then turning the other direction. 12:52:24 Another time. Yeah, this is a little bit of expansion in the neck as well. 12:52:31 And I invite you to do a forward fold. We're going to take our time. You can bring the hands behind you. If this is okay, you start to forward, fold that maybe the arms come away from your body. 12:52:43 Yes, just take your time. Here! 12:52:48 Ready! Slowly! Roll up! Invite you to come into a slight back end. 12:52:54 We just extension. That's the last movement of the spine. 12:52:56 Another breath! 12:52:59 Coming back to center. Beautiful. Thanks a lot.