12:31:00 Welcome. everybody. Thank you for coming. Oh, yeah, me too. Ok. let me do that. 12:31:38 Share a little bit of music in my classrooms I usually have a bit of music, and our theme relates to the song I am I'm. 12:31:46 Enough today. So 12:31:52 Itself in joy. I know myself 12:32:05 I see myself in joy. I know, mind, so I oh, I see myself and joy! 12:32:29 I know mine. so I I love beautiful course they sing a lot of these selections that i've chosen over the last few weeks, and I just shared previously some of the information that you'll find if you visit the 12:32:48 Google, Doc. and just some of the resources that i've been using these past weeks. 12:32:56 So today we're going to be relating continuing with the Kentuckas right from it's an Irs philosophy and Yoga philosophy related to different messengers. 12:33:09 So the very first week we related to contraction and feeling limited, so spacious and whole. and you might notice it if ever you feel crowded at school or at home, maybe in traffic. 12:33:21 I know that appears a lot, and you might feel it as tension or contraction in the body. 12:33:26 Another one we did the previous week was time limited, and timelessness. and you might notice that if you have lots of demanding pressure or schedules that you need to deal with something appears urgent, Or maybe everything appears 12:33:41 urgent at that time, and that might appear also as tension or heat rising in the body. 12:33:49 But today, hopefully, we can spend some time with I rest welcoming lacking, and flawed so that's relating to the song I played just now. 12:33:59 I'm enough, and so you might want a paper and pencil if that's helpful or not, you might want to just take note mentally, or in your heart, with anything that arises during our time together. 12:34:12 And what arises for me sometimes when i'm taking a new class or training with peers, or sometimes when i'm teaching adults like today that imposter syndrome comes up right where you start comparing yourselves, which 12:34:25 is natural to other people and you might be like i'm not a professor at U. 12:34:29 Of T. or maybe that person has more experience or whatever your perception is maybe they're more confident that something that they have, that we don't have, and we might be just perceiving ourselves at that moment that we're not 12:34:43 enough, and sometimes that other can actually be ourselves like a younger self right when we perceive that we had more energy, or we're more capable, or even a future selves like when I finished. 12:34:55 My master's degree you know once I learn a little bit more so. whoever that other is, and it can be just a perception just for that moment, that we're inviting in right that we're being with So the invitation for 12:35:09 today is to be with that messenger of lacking and flawed just to the degree that feels possible for you. 12:35:16 So at any time. If you want to welcome something else that might be more comfortable at that moment, or more at ease, feel free. 12:35:24 You can adjust your body, you can adjust anything. Does anybody have any questions before we move forward? 12:35:31 And before actually we move forward, did anybody want to share? If they had felt into time limited or timelessness or contraction are limited, they want to share that, or we can share it later? can put your hand up like that might be the easiest way. 12:35:49 if anybody wanted to share something. Okay, and I just have this I'll take this down in a moment. 12:35:59 Just reminding us about I rest so you'll you'll be guided by my voice. 12:36:02 Any physician is fine, even moving is fine and if you fall asleep. 12:36:09 That's perfectly natural. and if you stay completely at work or awake and in and out of wakefulness that's completely okay, and if there's any discomfort that arises feel free to stand up find some movement, ground your 12:36:23 feet. Open your eyes. Whatever feels more comforting for yourself, we might integrate just a little bit of gentle yoke at the end, like we did last time, just to wake ourselves. 12:36:32 But our bodies up and prepare for the rest of the day. 12:36:34 So there any questions before we go into the I rest 12:36:44 Did you see any hands? Okay, So in that case just start to settle in whatever that looks like for your body today, there's no right or wrong 12:37:04 We're gonna take a moment today to feel into the third pair of messengers lacking in flawed and may be perfect in whole, might appear on its own in the background. 12:37:14 So do they start to settle into your seat, or to any surfaces that might be supporting you. 12:37:22 At this moment 12:37:28 And maybe with eyes opened or closed. 12:37:35 Might you leave any residues of the day, maybe even mentally placing it in your backpack aside 12:37:48 Knowing that you can come back to any tasks or unfinished work Later 12:37:57 Perhaps even with a fresh perspective or more energy 12:38:11 And in your own way might you open your senses into whatever space you're in 12:38:23 Without any effort, just allowing everything to come to you 12:38:31 The feels. Okay, just allowing the weight of the body to feel fully supported 12:38:42 Resting, and spaces or surfaces 12:38:50 Trusting and letting go 12:38:59 Maybe noticing temperature 12:39:07 Places of coolness, warmth. 12:39:20 Maybe familiar tastes, percent 12:39:32 Without needing to attach or detach to anything 12:39:44 Might you allow the body to adjust itself? It could be even 15% or 10% more comfortable 12:39:54 No one can do this at any moment. during the practice 12:40:03 During I rest, welcome every messenger, arising, expanding, dissolving in its own time back into awareness. 12:40:17 Nothing turned away 12:40:28 Experience your heartfelt desire, you're why in the world your heart's mission 12:40:42 Maybe just noticing how it might manifest itself during this practice 12:40:54 Recall an intention, you're why for this moment or this practice 12:41:05 Supporting you, and fulfilling your heartfelt desire 12:41:16 Perhaps it's to just be 12:41:24 In each moment of life 12:41:32 And to recognize when our perceptions, perhaps around, being enough 12:41:45 Around being lacking or flawed 12:41:55 Perfect and whole 12:42:02 Feeling this intention with your body in mind. 12:42:14 And if anything comes into your perception, any sounds, or just knowicing how they arise and dissolve without needing to do anything, without needing to detach or attach 12:42:40 And feeling into an inner resource, an unchanging source 12:42:48 Place of ease and Okness 12:42:58 Safe, refuge. 12:43:04 That you can return to at a moment's notice during this practice, or any time beyond. 12:43:13 In everyday life 12:43:22 Maybe you can connect through it through imagery. 12:43:31 A memory. 12:43:35 Person. 12:43:41 Activity. 12:43:47 Enlivened by all the senses 12:43:55 Maybe accompanied by words 12:44:04 Serenity. 12:44:09 Peace. 12:44:14 Okness, Whatever words resonate for you 12:44:29 And a felt sense in the body 12:44:34 Perhaps breath in the entire body 12:44:44 Release of muscles, the jaw 12:44:52 Maybe feeling like spaciousness 12:44:59 Timelessness. 12:45:06 Being complete and whole 12:45:16 Recognizing. you can return to this inner resource this unchanging source, and any time it's always in the background, supporting you 12:45:34 As you're ready, might you journey around the body 12:45:42 Allowing my voice to be your voice. 12:45:46 Without needing to shift or soften anything, just noticing 12:46:01 Scanning the face. 12:46:07 Hinges of the jaw. 12:46:13 Mouse, tongue. 12:46:23 Walls. 12:46:27 Ruth of the mouth 12:46:33 Tongue. 12:46:39 Noticing the cheeks 12:46:47 The outer anatomy of the ears 12:46:53 Dissolving the inner anatomy of the ears 12:47:07 Breath flowing through the nostrils. 12:47:15 Dissolving. 12:47:23 Noticing the eyes. 12:47:31 Maybe shadow or light. 12:47:36 Movement in the eyes 12:47:44 Be settling on their own 12:47:50 Tension on the space between the eyebrows 12:47:57 Forehead. 12:48:02 Scalp back of the head, the entire head, as sensation 12:48:20 At your own pace. Might you scan the entire front side of the body 12:48:28 Top of the head 12:48:34 Attention flowing down the body 12:48:41 Top of the foot, and toes 12:48:52 As you're ready, attention floating down the entire backside of the body 12:49:00 Back of the head, all following sensation 12:49:14 Slowly down the backside of the body 12:49:21 Heel and bottom of the feet. 12:49:29 As your ready. Following each side of the body 12:49:42 Attention floating down each side, left and right. 12:49:50 Along each limb. 12:49:58 Palm of the hands and fingers 12:50:06 Each foot and toe. 12:50:14 Maybe even feeling into the spaces between the fingers and toes 12:50:26 The space around the body 12:50:32 Without judging or analyzing anything, just sensing your way 12:50:41 Might you feel into the spaces inside the body 12:50:51 The whole entire head, face, body. 12:51:01 As sensation. 12:51:07 Noticing how, with each changing sensation, something unchanging awareness, pure being 12:51:23 Is always there in the background, in which everything that's unchanging arises and returns back to 12:51:41 And the body breathing itself 12:51:47 Nothing to do. Just noticing. Air travels through the nostrils 12:52:00 Flowing through the body 12:52:07 Filling the belly. 12:52:13 Turning and exhaling. 12:52:22 Body breathing itself 12:52:28 Changing sensation, revealing unchanging awareness. 12:52:40 As you're ready. my 2 take a moment to invite the messenger lacking, and flawed 12:52:53 Feeling your way. 12:53:01 Just to the degree that feels comfortable for you 12:53:09 Notice any emotions, our thoughts. 12:53:17 Beliefs. 12:53:23 Images. 12:53:29 Memories. 12:53:33 It might arise 12:53:38 Without attaching or detaching, just noticing 12:53:51 Might you notice we're lacking and flawed appears in the body 12:54:02 Perhaps in the hinges of the jaw. 12:54:09 A belly chest, the breath 12:54:20 Whatever your experience is is the perfect experience there's no right or wrong 12:54:31 Interweaving the inner resource of ease and okness. 12:54:44 If it feels okay, might you step back as an object, a witness 12:54:55 Observing, lacking, and flawed 12:55:00 This messenger is an object out in front of you. 12:55:09 What do you notice as the observer or the witness 12:55:17 Feeling your way. 12:55:26 Where do you feel this experience in the body 12:55:36 Feeling free to interweave in a resource of calm and ease. 12:55:48 As you're ready. might you bring this messenger back into the body being fused with lack lacking, and flawed 12:56:03 Being observed and witnessed 12:56:15 What do you notice while being the object observed and witnessed? 12:56:30 Where do you feel this experience in the body 12:56:40 Whatever your experience is, is the perfect experience 12:56:47 Interweaving inner resource of comedies. 12:56:51 If that feels right. 12:57:02 At your own pace. Might you go back and forth, taking your time 12:57:12 As the observer, the witness of lacking and flawed, witnessing the object out in front of you. 12:57:26 Then fused, was lacking, and flawed being observed. 12:57:34 Witnessed. 12:57:42 Back and forth. 12:57:48 As the observer and witness 12:57:58 And fused, observed and witnessed. 12:58:09 And interweaving in the resource of ease and calm 12:58:18 Back and forth, feeling your way 12:58:33 If it feels okay, might you feel yourself as both being the observer, the witness 12:58:46 And fused, being observed and witnessed 12:58:54 Without needing to merge them 12:59:01 Feeling your yourself is both at the same time 12:59:10 And recognizing you can interweave your unchanging inner resource at any time 12:59:20 What do you notice? while being both 12:59:29 Where do you feel this experience in the body 12:59:46 And interweaving, unchanging in a resource which all of these sensations, emotions, thoughts, experiences, arise all on their own, expand, dissipate, back into whatever wherever they came from into unchanging awareness. 13:00:30 As we slowly start to integrate this experience back into waking life. 13:00:37 All the while allowing this inner resource of ease and Okness to remain with us 13:00:47 Starting to welcome back the room, feeling the supports, spaces, temperature, any sounds inside or outside of the room 13:01:13 Maybe noticing the messengers of being enough lacking, and flawed perfect and whole 13:01:32 As they point you to the perfect response, moment to moment. 13:01:37 Continue integrating this experience, maybe opening and closing the eyes several times, bringing this back into waking life. 13:01:47 Maybe allowing the body to find movement, maybe fingers and toes wiggling and even stretching out wide. 13:01:57 If that feels right in the body, just being grateful for this time for yourself and the practice of my rest. 13:02:06 Thanks everybody, as watching the time Hopefully, that was okay for you.