12:25:51 So I really appreciate everybody coming, punctually. Thank you for that. And scheduling time for yourself. 12:25:58 So feel free to come early just to find a place if you need to eat or settle down. We really appreciate that you've made the time for this and there will be recordings if you haven't had the time to be here today and maybe you're watching this. 12:26:13 And also the structure will be following the same structure, this format, so it's familiar, keeping it predictable. 12:26:19 Which is trauma sensitive. Also given choice so everything's offered as an invitation and just allow my words to fall away even and whatever words resonate for you inviting those in. 12:26:30 And a sense of control, so feeling free to modify or adjust the practices 12:28:26 Maybe wholeness into the rest of the day or maybe if you're lucky enough you can go to nap. 12:28:26 After this. So during the rivers practice, will be guided by my voice. Feel free to feel, find any comfortable position if you want to change positions, maybe sitting or laying down, standing or moving in one spot. 12:28:40 All possibilities are welcome. You might find yourself falling asleep or resting. Or completely alert and awake. 12:28:47 And if there's any discomfort at all, feel free to open the eyes gently and maybe ground the feet, find any gentle movement in the body. 12:28:56 And the invitation this week or throughout this time, maybe just practicing this exercise of daily. View each evening or whenever you remember. 12:29:06 And it'll be interesting to see how life unfolds a little bit more easily. And then let's complete our time then with some eye rest. 12:29:16 Just put my information here if you ever wanna contact me, feel free to reach out. I'm gonna stop the share. 12:29:27 I don't know where it went. Oh, here it is. Okay. Stop the shared here. 12:29:39 So at home or if you're with me, feel free to find your comfortable position. Whatever that looks like. 12:29:45 And settling in. Whatever position the body wants to find itself in. Eyes can be gazing or open. 12:29:54 Or closed. 12:29:57 And then maybe allowing the census to start to liberate all around you. 12:30:04 Maybe starting to notice temperature. This beautiful warmth that we still have. Maybe places of coolness. 12:30:17 If there's any colors or light or shadows that might be coming in. 12:30:40 If there's any residue of tastes without needing to fix or change, we're just noticing. 12:30:45 Any sense in the air? 12:30:49 Just allowing the body to make any final adjustments at all. I feel completely at ease or okay. 12:31:01 And then welcoming messengers. 12:31:04 Perhaps during i rest noticing how every experience is a messenger. 12:31:12 Arising and expanding. And also dissipating at its own place and time. 12:31:24 And then maybe taking your time starting to reflect upon the heart's deepest desire. Your why for this lifetime. 12:31:42 Maybe experiencing and affirming this felt sense as if you're already living and expressing it. 12:31:47 Feeling with the entire body at this very moment. 12:31:54 And then as you're ready, maybe letting it go and being curious how it might manifest during our time together. 12:32:02 Good. And even if other sounds or anything comes into perception. Maybe just notice him with curiosity, not needing to fix or change anything. 12:32:13 Noticing how it arises. And expands. And dissipates in its own time. Act to where it came from. 12:32:26 And perhaps taking your time to reflect upon an intention. You're why for this moment or practice. One that supports you in realizing this heartfelt desire. 12:32:48 Whatever resonates for you. 12:32:48 Maybe to welcome and be with whatever's arising from awareness. 12:32:50 Remembering fully and welcoming this tension with the whole body in mind. 12:33:01 And then as you're ready, maybe welcome in the inner resource. 12:33:06 A safe refuge or oasis. Safe haven. 12:33:16 Support you in feeling. Safe and secure at ease. At any given moment. 12:33:29 Perhaps connecting to this inner resource through imagery. 12:33:33 And liven by the 5 senses. 12:33:44 Maybe a place in nature. 12:33:45 Maybe an imagined place. 12:33:54 Maybe a loved one. Or memory. 12:33:59 Maybe a summer memory. 12:34:04 Inviting my words or allowing them to float away. 12:34:09 Perhaps being with loved ones in familiar places. 12:34:14 Or on an adventure. 12:34:19 Maybe outdoors. 12:34:24 Arresting somewhere comfortably. 12:34:31 Again, if anything comes into perception, just Noticing, not needing to attach or detach. 12:34:45 Just noticing how it. Expans and dissipates in its own time back to where it came from. 12:34:50 Maybe this imagery includes soothing sense. 12:34:57 Or maybe delicious cuisine filling the air. 12:35:03 Maybe a warmth of being together. 12:35:09 Textures of clothing or textures of the surroundings. 12:35:18 Familiar voices. Nature sounds. 12:35:29 Perhaps there's words that resonate for you connecting you to this unchanging in a resource. 12:35:37 Inner piece. 12:35:42 Okay. 12:35:47 Whatever words resonate. 12:35:55 And a felt sense. 12:35:59 This first 10 experience. This inner resource, this unchanging source. 12:36:06 Maybe emanating from the heart. 12:36:14 Or release in the muscles. 12:36:18 Hinges of the jaw. 12:36:22 And shoulders. 12:36:26 Or maybe the felt sense is a deep breath in the entire body. 12:36:35 Recognize and affirm that you can return to this inner resource at any time. 12:36:42 During this IRS practice. 12:36:46 Or in daily life. 12:36:52 Whenever you feel the need for being secure. Safe. Okay and at ease. 12:37:05 Again, if anything comes into your perception. 12:37:10 Not needing to analyze or judge. 12:37:14 . Noticing It dissipates in its own time back to where it came from. 12:37:26 At your own pace maybe allowing my words to be your words. 12:37:31 As attention gently floats through the body. 12:37:37 Not needing to shift or soften anything. Just feeling the way. 12:37:45 Attention resting in the hinges of the jaw. 12:37:50 The mouth. 12:37:56 Dissolving through the canals of the ears. 12:38:02 Following sensation through each nostril. 12:38:12 Dissolving through each eye. 12:38:19 The spaces between the eyebrows. 12:38:26 Your forehead. 12:38:32 Entire face and head as sensation. 12:38:42 Taking your time as you follow sensation throughout the body. 12:38:48 Just taking your time. 12:38:53 Scanning from the top of the head. All the way to the toes as sensation. 12:39:03 If anything else comes into perception. Again, just notice. Without needing to attach or detach. 12:39:17 Attention resting on the unified face, head and body. As sensation. 12:39:27 I felt sense of the inner resource of being and well being. Which you also are. 12:39:40 And the body breathing itself. 12:39:45 With each inhale the body filling. 12:39:50 And with each exhale the body emptying. At your own pace. 12:39:59 Each changing sensation revealing something unchanging. Pure being. Unchanging awareness, which you also are. 12:40:15 And as you're ready, might you take the time to reflect upon this day? 12:40:22 Reflecting on all the ebbing and flowing of each moment unfolding. 12:40:32 At your own pace, might to invite any unfinished events. 12:40:40 Any unfinished situation. 12:40:47 Any unfinished experiences. Just the degree that feels possible. 12:40:59 And if nothing in particular is present. Just being whatever's most common for your attention. 12:41:13 Any other sounds come in to perception? Just. Again, noticing. 12:41:19 As they arise and expand. And dissolve in their own time. 12:41:30 I'm feeling free to interweave the inner resource of unchanging well-being and being 12:41:45 Imagining and feeling in the body. The heart and the mind. 12:41:52 Completion of each event. 12:41:56 Or situation. 12:41:59 Or experience. 12:42:13 And carrying a sense of completion. 12:42:17 Perfect. 12:42:21 Illness and to this very moment. 12:42:33 And maybe noticing if there's any other residues of the day. 12:42:40 Seeing all the time you need. Feeling your way. 12:42:51 And dissolving to being awareness. The field in which you experience is a rising. 12:43:03 I feel in which your experience is also returning back to in its own time. 12:43:14 And feeling yourself as this unchanging source. 12:43:20 This awareness or pure being which you also are. 12:43:32 And maybe a feeling of joy appears. 12:43:37 Joy that's independent of anything or anyone. 12:43:45 Maybe interweaving the felt sense of the inner resource. 12:43:53 And again, if anything else comes into perception, any sounds or. 12:43:59 Not needing to change or fix. Just noticing. 12:44:07 And then also noticing how joy. Is a changing sensation. 12:44:14 Revealing something unchanging. 12:44:19 Pure being. 12:44:23 I'm changing awareness. 12:44:27 Imagine going about everyday life. Awareness awake and aware of itself. 12:44:35 Sensing and affirming how in each moment. 12:44:40 You always recognize the perfect and precise response. To each situation in life. 12:44:53 Reflecting on this experience. 12:44:57 Welcome, unchanging awareness and wholeness. 12:45:01 In which everything unfolds. 12:45:05 Expands. 12:45:08 And dissolves. In its own time. 12:45:20 No, taking your time is. You slowly transition back to waking life. 12:45:27 Allowing the senses to open once again. 12:45:36 Feeling the support of surfaces and the space all around you. 12:45:45 Caressive air on the skin. 12:45:51 Any sounds. 12:45:57 Residue of tastes or sense. 12:46:02 Any colors or light or shadows. 12:46:13 I'll also take a few moments to rest as being. 12:46:19 Feeling spacious. 12:46:23 Timeless. 12:46:27 Connected. 12:46:31 Perfect and whole. Just as you are. 12:46:38 Perhaps I starting to open and close several times integrating the experience into waking life. 12:46:46 Body starting to find movement maybe. Toes and fingers wiggling. 12:46:53 Perhaps feeling refreshed and ready. All the while accompanied by this felt sense of being in wholeness. 12:47:02 Starting to move back into everyday life. Appreciate it for this time for yourself. And the practice of IRS. 12:47:11 Thank you so much. I'm gonna bring in some gentle movement when everybody's ready. Feel free to join me or Visualize, I always say. 12:47:25 Oh, I might do it on the chair. So I might turn on the light for just a moment. 12:47:29 Larger, hides the train. Yeah. Okay. So we're gonna start again with just a little bit of static and dynamic movement. 12:47:38 Maybe starting with the neck. So our cervical spine. So even just sitting up tall already, that's something, right? 12:47:44 So noticing the spine. Just take your time, so actual extension of the spine. And then when you're ready, maybe bringing in extension. 12:47:51 So just gently open up the neck at your own pace, your 12:47:56 When you're ready, inhale back to center. And then exhale come to sideband so lateral side bend in the neck if that feels okay your degree of your range of motion. 12:48:08 Inhale back to center. And then exhale find it on the other side. Just take your time. 12:48:14 There's no rush. Inhale. And then let's find flexion. So if you have that extension in the whole back of the neck. 12:48:23 Inhale back to center. Let's bring in twisting. Take your time. There's no rush. Just feel your way. 12:48:29 We don't move our net quite enough, so it might feel very delicate. 12:48:35 Slow together just with the cervical spine. So as you're ready sitting up tall, axial extension. 12:48:40 Inhale, open up the neck. Exhale. Inhale, exhale. I'm just side. 12:48:51 Inhale center. Exhale, other side. Inhale, Excel twist. Inhale, exhale twist other side. 12:49:01 Inhale, Excel forward fold. So even just that, something like you're gonna bring it to the rest of the spine. 12:49:10 So if you're on a chair, you might want to sit at the edge of your chair, you might want to sit at the edge of your chair for it in the floor that's perfect as well. 12:49:15 So let's start off with the actual extensions. So let's start off with the actual extension. 12:49:16 So any other arms up. Maybe in engaging the apps in Takasa Musc's rib cage. 12:49:20 And then let's exhale, find that extension, thoracic spline, breathe here. 12:49:25 In. Excels from that side and we're doing the same motions at bringing in the rest of the spine. 12:49:31 Might want to hold on to the chair of the ground. Inhale. And then exhale, find that on the other side. 12:49:37 Take your time. Inhale, coming back to center. You might want to bring the arms behind you if that feels okay. 12:49:45 You can cross the arms. Exhale twist, maybe gaze behind you. Maybe engage the apps that long actual extension while we're twisting. 12:49:52 Inhale back to center, exhale, find it on the other side. Inhale, exhale, come to forward fold. 12:49:58 So just, the, that feels okay. Take your time. You might want to release your neck. Inhale. 12:50:04 Let me do it one more time and this time we're gonna switch the arms and we come to this part. 12:50:09 So inhale. Exhale, little bit faster, inhale. Exhale. Inhale. 12:50:17 Exhale. Daniel, maybe arms behind you opposite side Excel twist Inhale, Excel twist. 12:50:26 Inhale, Excel 4 fold. 12:50:30 And let's take a moment here. Do you want to interlace your hands? You can microband the elbows. 12:50:33 You can see. So, you're using the forward fold here. Switch the fingers, thumbs, and then do it again. 12:50:40 Beautiful. You guys are amazing. It's at time if there's anybody who can stay on if you wanted to share your experience. 12:50:48 Or anything, really. Do you guys have a moment? Does anybody want to share anything? We're not. 12:50:56 Or you can always email me. Does anybody online want to share anything? 12:51:04 Okay. Oh good. Yeah, I know life is stressful. Yeah, how do you feel? 12:51:15 Good. Good, great. Or if you don't feel great, that's okay too, actually. 12:51:20 Anything emerging is welcome, right? But we might be able to meet it better. If we get more self regulated. 12:51:25 Which is the big thing.