12:26:42 Hmm. And, anything else have to press? No. So just record. 12:27:17 So happy month of celebrations including Lunar New Year's, Valentines, Family Gays, or anything else you celebrate. 12:27:26 And welcome to restorative reset. I'm Jen Barati. I'm grateful for everyone creating and maintaining the safe container for our sessions together. 12:27:36 And just always taking care of yourself following any medical advice. 12:27:53 And reaching out for support. Either to really always a community or with me before after sessions. Or with local community networks and especially loved ones. 12:28:11 And I just wanted to remind everybody. Let me switch here for a moment. 12:28:17 That we do have. These resource page that shared on the OZI website. That has past recordings links. 12:28:26 Over here, lots of resources. 12:28:31 And then as well. Reminders about the practice you can practice at home, this love and kindness practice that we'll be doing today. 12:28:39 As well as a loving kindness by Sharon Salzburg who inspires our irres. Meditation and loving-kindness practice. 12:28:47 For this session. Also just to share some more, webinar series that are available. And since many of you are educators. 12:28:56 It's always interesting to just learn more about play. So play can really help. With bringing in mindfulness and self regulation with students. 12:29:05 So there's actually something happening today and then again in April. So I've been watching a lot of these and they're very helpful. 12:29:12 Just the use of play. And then also trauma sensitivity is. You know, a huge thing that we do with mindfulness and meditation for ourselves and for others. 12:29:22 And I've shared other NIC ABM, the National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine with a lot of renowned therapists and also brain researchers. 12:29:34 So you can watch this for free. It's happening from the fifteenth until the twentieth. Okay, so feel free to access that. 12:29:42 This is just. Reminding you about the past recordings you can watch. And then just those other websites, the registration for them. 12:29:56 And then before we start, I would like to. Give people a moment if there's anything you want to share. 12:30:02 And knowing that you can always contact. Contact me afterwards or before practice. 12:30:10 And so we're gonna complete the solemn vow. 12:30:14 Or what we call in yoga, which we've been, working on these past. 12:30:21 Pass while with inner resource and heartfelt desire. As well as today. 12:30:28 So an intention for this moment or for this practice. It's supports us in fulfilling that heartfelt desire that we've been working with, that purpose or mission that why for this lifetime. 12:30:40 And we're always supported by that inner resource of unchanging ease and okayness. So what is your intention? 12:30:48 What is your why for this moment? So for example, keeping it in present tense for the mind process easily. 12:30:56 And perhaps even not needing the word I. Maybe just simply firm and loving. Before I go into a classroom that's often my intention. 12:31:06 Or even calm. Or patient. Or compassionate. You might find people often say these things to themselves already. 12:31:16 Moments of stress. As supportive intentions to help stay self regulated. And I've shared in the past about discovering my why in the world, my heartfelt desire of welcoming and being welcomed. 12:31:29 So relating to today's loving kindness practice. Maybe my intention might be, may everyone and everything. 12:31:36 The love and kindness at this moment. And throughout this new year. And this might even be the same for someone's heartful desire of radiating love and joy. 12:31:57 So ultimately there is a belief that all religions 12:32:01 And all beliefs. Many beliefs are based around love. 12:32:07 So again, noticing the felt sense in the body. And reinforcing the intention and heartfelt desire. 12:32:15 And sensations might show up in the body. And that helps us bring clarity and truth to what's really important. 12:32:22 It helps us stay on our path. Our path of right action and helps us meet any challenges that arise. 12:32:29 So during this process. I'll invite you to bring in the loving kindness as intentions. Always to the degree that feels possible for you. 12:32:37 And interweaving the inner resource at any time. Giving a few moments to just be with whatever arises and noticing how each feels in the body. 12:32:47 And always it's acceptable if you're not sure about the intentions yet. 12:32:52 So love and kindness, it's one of the 4 Ramas, the Buddhist virtues. 12:32:57 As well as meditation practices. And this is inspired by Sharon Salzburg, our practice today, and she's well known for her teachings on loving kindness. 12:33:06 I mean, you might have practiced this already. And wherever you are, even if you're new, feel free to modify anything. 12:33:15 To personalize the practice. To develop and deepen this connection with ourselves the world and everyone and everything around us. 12:33:23 To the invitation during the practice and the rest of today, this week. And until we meet again. 12:33:35 Day interweaving the ease and okayness of the inner resource. The calling the why in the world, the heartfelt desire. 12:33:44 And experiencing your why in the moment. You're in. Enjoy the practice, feel free to also let everything or any of my words float away. 12:33:55 Just stay with the felt sense in the body. You'll be guided by my voice during this practice. 12:34:02 Feel free to find any comfortable position. Maybe sitting or lying down. Even standing or moving in one spot. 12:34:11 All possibilities are welcomed to sleep resting. Or even anything in between or alert and awake. 12:34:18 And if there's any discomfort at all. Feel free to open the eyes gently. Maybe ground the feet. 12:34:26 Find some gentle movement in the body. 12:34:31 So let's complete this time together with IRS, Integrative Restoration. Just always taking care of any discomfort arises. 12:34:42 So just taking a few moments now just to settle in. 12:34:47 Whatever natural position the body finds itself. 12:34:54 Might even wanna look around your space first. Just to orientate yourself. 12:35:02 Looking around if that feels important or comfortable. 12:35:09 And then when you're ready to settle in. With eyes gazing. Opening or closing. 12:35:20 Maybe trusting everything supporting you. 12:35:28 If there's any residue of this morning. Or this week. 12:35:34 You were just imagining tucking it away. 12:35:39 Gently laying it down or placing it away in a drawer for now. Just recognizing you can return to it later. 12:35:47 Maybe feeling more refreshed and ready. 12:36:00 And at your own pace, maybe allow the census to explore. 12:36:07 Any hints of color or light? Or shadows. 12:36:16 Let me sounds. Inside or beyond the room. 12:36:27 Any fragrances. 12:36:32 Residue of tastes. 12:36:36 Maybe even noticing temperature. 12:36:39 Places of warmth. 12:36:43 Oh coolness. 12:36:47 Without attaching or detaching to anything is Any perceptions come in. Just noticing with curiosity. 12:36:56 Just have they arise and expand. And dissipate in their own pace. Just back to where they came from. 12:37:08 Just a allowing the body to make any final adjustments. If you're completely comfortable and at ease. 12:37:20 During this Irish practice. Let you greet everything as a messenger. Just as it is. 12:37:33 And welcoming in the inner resource. Safe haven or refuge. No waste. 12:37:45 Supporting you and feeling safe and secure. Loved and at ease at a moment's notice. 12:37:58 Perhaps through imagery. Enliven by all the senses. 12:38:15 Maybe of an imagined place. 12:38:20 Or maybe a place in nature. 12:38:24 Or maybe a memory. 12:38:32 Maybe walking in a park. 12:38:36 Natural sense. 12:38:41 Colors of the rainbow all around. 12:38:48 Right sunshine. 12:38:51 Clear skies. 12:38:56 Refreshing wind. 12:39:00 Or maybe words connect you to this unchanging ease. 12:39:07 Whatever words resonate for you. 12:39:11 Maybe peace or quiet. 12:39:16 Ease or okayness. 12:39:21 And if there's no words yet, that's a perfect experience as well. 12:39:30 In a felt sense. 12:39:33 Perhaps the release of tension in the muscles. 12:39:40 Maybe in the belly. 12:39:44 Or the chess. 12:39:47 Shoulders. 12:39:53 Hinges of the jaw. 12:40:00 Or maybe breath flowing freely throughout the entire body. 12:40:06 And again, if there's any other perceptions coming in. Just noticing with curiosity. 12:40:11 Not needing to attach or detach. Everything unfolding in its own time. 12:40:19 And everything dissipating. Back to where it came from when it's ready. 12:40:27 Be noticing if breath is flowing freely throughout the body. 12:40:32 Maybe even a lack of sensation. 12:40:36 A complete release. Or spaciousness in the body. 12:40:43 Just recognizing and affirming. You can return to. This in a resource at any time during this IRS practice. 12:40:53 Whenever you need to feel more released or at ease. Peaceful. 12:41:03 Taking a moment to reflect on the heart's deepest desire. Longing or contribution. Purpose for this lifetime. 12:41:14 Why in the world? 12:41:24 Perhaps it's for radiating love and joy. 12:41:31 Whatever resonates for you. 12:41:37 And if there's nothing, this 2 is perfect. 12:41:42 Maybe just connecting with the senses to enliven this present and tangible mission or purpose. 12:41:52 Experiencing the heartfelt desire is true in this moment. 12:41:59 As if you're already living it. With the entire body mind. 12:42:10 At your own pace. Let you reflect upon an intention. 12:42:16 A why for this moment or practice. 12:42:21 Supporting you realizing this heartfelt desire. 12:42:32 Perhaps an intention of loving-kindness. 12:42:39 Whatever feels right for you. 12:42:43 Feel free to bring in whatever words or just allow my words to float away. 12:42:52 Does it feel supportive? You might bring your hands to your heart. 12:42:57 Feel this deep connection. 12:43:03 As you offer your intention maybe for May I feel loving kindness at this moment and throughout the new year? 12:43:13 Will be offering this loving kindness, this intention. To different people. Thanks. Again, just to the degree that feels possible. 12:43:24 And using whatever words he'll write for you. Allowing whatever else to float away. 12:43:31 To maybe begin by imagining with all the senses sitting or lying down beside yourself. 12:43:40 And an offering. May I feel love and kindness? At this moment. And throughout the new year. 12:43:50 May I feel love and kindness at this moment? And throughout the new year. 12:43:58 My feel of loving kindness at this moment. And throughout the new year. 12:44:05 And just noticing what's unfolding naturally in the body. 12:44:11 Without needing to analyze or judge. Just noticing what's arising. 12:44:24 Good to leave your hands if they are. Allow them to release in a comfortable position. As you begin to imagine with all the senses. 12:44:33 Someone or maybe a fur friend. That makes you smile. 12:44:40 And then offering them love and kindness. 12:44:44 May you feel love and kindness at this moment. And throughout the new year. They you feel love and kindness at this moment. 12:44:54 And throughout the new year. Do you feel loving kindness at this moment? And throughout the new year. 12:45:04 And just noticing what's in folding. 12:45:08 Where do you feel this in the body? To offer loving kindness. 12:45:17 And then as you're ready to the degree that feels possible. Maybe imagining someone that may be having a challenging time. 12:45:26 Or even that you feel challenged by. 12:45:30 So it could be somebody you know or. Could be a stranger. Someone in a distant land. 12:45:37 And then offering them. May you feel loving kindness at this moment. And throughout the new year. May you feel loving kindness at this moment. 12:45:50 And throughout the new year. May you feel loving kindness at this moment. And throughout the new year. 12:46:00 Just again, noticing what's a rising in the body without. You need to shift or soften anything, just noticing. 12:46:08 And feeling free to interweave the inner resource of ease and okayness. Throughout the practice whenever. 12:46:15 Need to return to this refuge. This place of ease and okayness is always supporting us. 12:46:22 And then taking your time as you imagine a gathering. Filled with loved ones and family, friends, for kids. 12:46:32 Everything and everyone you know. 12:46:37 And then offering all of them. May all of you feel love and kindness at this moment. And throughout the new year. 12:46:46 May all of you feel loving kindness at this moment. And throughout the new year. May all of you feel loving kindness at this moment. 12:46:58 And throughout the new year. 12:47:01 And again, just feeling into the body. 12:47:06 Where do you feel a sensation of this as you offer love and kindness at this gathering? 12:47:17 And then finally when you're ready. Maybe imagining offering everyone in this community. Everyone in this country. 12:47:29 Everyone in the world. 12:47:33 Everything and everyone on land and in the oceans. And beyond. Offering everyone and everything loving kindness. 12:47:43 Just to the degree that feels possible. 12:47:47 Make everyone and everything feel love and kindness. At this moment. And throughout the new year. The everyone and everything. 12:47:58 Your love and kindness at this moment. And throughout the new year. May everyone and everything. Feel loving kindness. 12:48:09 At this moment. And throughout the new year. 12:48:15 I'm just feeling that with the body. 12:48:22 And just noticing how it might continue to unfold during our practice. Or beyond in your daily life. 12:48:29 Just take a moment here, maybe just feel into the body. 12:48:34 Not needing to attach or detach to any particular part just noticing. Be tracing the whole front side of the body. 12:48:46 And tracing the whole back. 12:48:51 Left side. And right side. 12:48:59 The entire unified body. 12:49:02 As sensation. 12:49:09 I mean, feeling and sensation of the body breathing itself. 12:49:15 Abundance of energy with each inhale. 12:49:21 And each exhale. 12:49:24 Each changing sensation reveals something unchanging. Pure being, which you also are. 12:49:35 If it feels right. Maybe just notice if there's any other messengers that are arising at this moment. 12:49:42 Anything calling for your attention? 12:49:48 Without needing to change or fix anything. Just feeling the way. 12:49:58 And if nothing's arising, this 2 is a perfect experience. 12:50:02 To stay with whatever is most calling for the attention. 12:50:08 And then noticing. What's a rising in the body? 12:50:16 Bye you and interweave the inner resource of ease and okayness. 12:50:29 And then whenever you're ready to staying with whatever Feels the most ease and okay. Letting everything else dissipate in its own case. 12:50:38 Back to where it came from. 12:50:43 Each changing sensation revealing that unchanging okayness and ease 12:50:49 It's always supporting us in the background. 12:50:54 And then taking a moment just to notice. Maybe there's joy that's arising. This inner peace and okayness. 12:51:01 This love. That's independent of anything and anyone. 12:51:09 Maybe feeling through the heart space. 12:51:14 And then feeling joy throughout the body. 12:51:20 Where does joy arise in the body? 12:51:27 And then noticing how joy also is a changing sensation. Revealing something unchanging. Pure being, which you also are. 12:51:41 Imagine going about everyday life at awareness awake. And aware of itself. 12:51:53 Sensing and affirming how in each moment. 12:51:57 You always recognize. The perfect and precise response to each situation in life. 12:52:10 You're reflecting on this experience. Welcome unchanging awareness and wholeness. 12:52:18 Which everything unfolds. 12:52:22 Expands. And dissolves back in its own time. 12:52:34 Just taking your time to transition back into waking life. 12:52:39 Maybe feeling a little bit more ready and refreshed, but there's a few more things to do. 12:52:46 Just welcome in the census to explore again. 12:52:51 Let me noticing any color. A light. Or shadows. 12:52:59 Any sounds. 12:53:05 Residue of taste or sense. 12:53:12 Temperature. 12:53:15 Maybe even the textures or surfaces supporting you. 12:53:22 And then integrating this experience into waking life. Just allowing the eyes to open and close several times. 12:53:32 Inviting the body to find movement. Toes and fingers wiggling. And all the while staying with this feeling of loving-kindness. 12:53:43 For yourself, for everyone and everything. 12:53:49 And the felt sense of inner resource of ease and okayness. 12:53:54 At every moment in life throughout this new year. 12:54:01 Just moving back into everyday life. Eyes wide awake. Grateful for this time together. And the practice of arrest. 12:54:12 Thank you so much and I'm just gonna invite need to come into just a little bit of movement, maybe some heart openers, I think that might be really good thing. 12:54:21 So just open up the chest because we tend to round our backs naturally. So really just taking moments to just. 12:54:26 Expand through the chest. You can open up, maybe just feel all along the spine. 12:54:34 Even lengthen through the arms so that feels good. Really? It's like when you wake up in the morning, you open up the chest. 12:54:43 And even throughout the day you don't have to just do it once you can do it throughout the day whenever the body has been in that sort of rounded. 12:54:50 That we just naturally tend to do when we're doing our work. So when it's time to play, maybe it's time to open up the heart. 12:55:00 Okay, so enjoy the rest of your day and let us know how intention setting is going and the heartfelt desire and supported by the interviews of the St. 12:55:11 Kalpa, Solomon Bell. Take care, see you next time.