About CERLL Research Circles

The Centre for Educational Research on Languages & Literacies (CERLL) Research Circle, an initiative begun in 2016, aims to bring faculty, MA/MEd, PhDs, and visiting scholars together to discuss contentious and current issues in languages and literacies education and research. The CERLL Research Circle stems from CERLL’s purpose to disseminate current and relevant research practices that take place all over the world and make that research accessible.

Research Circles Listing


An icon portraying four people sitting at a table with speech bubbles.
Text mining as an AI technique to support reading comprehension and language learning
A slide with information about Dr. Orly Haim's Research Circle presentation.
Exploring the Educational Factors Affecting Literacy Performance and School Adjustment of Multilingual Immigrant Students
An icon portraying four people sitting at a table with speech bubbles.
Discussing Language Policy & Its Implications
An icon portraying four people sitting at a table with speech bubbles.
On the move - Learning with youth refugees in secondary school classrooms
An icon portraying four people sitting at a table with speech bubbles.
Intergenerational Arts Practices as Opportunities for (Re)Conceptualizing Literacy Curricula Across the Lifespan
An icon portraying four people sitting at a table with speech bubbles.
Meeting on Common Ground? Professors and Students Navigating EMI in Higher Education
An icon portraying four people sitting at a table with speech bubbles.
Identity, Investment, and Digital Storybooks for a Multilingual Future
An icon portraying four people sitting at a table with speech bubbles.
Walking in a New Direction, Listening in a New Key: Exploring Young Children’s Sonic Compositions in a Primary School
An icon portraying four people sitting at a table with speech bubbles.
Current Challenges in Teaching English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
An icon portraying four people sitting at a table with speech bubbles.
Why should I learn a language that is spoken by only 330,000 people? The challenge for newcomers and present inhabitants in Iceland
An icon portraying four people sitting at a table with speech bubbles.
Descriptors for mediation, an undervalued concept
An icon portraying four people sitting at a table with speech bubbles.
Order up! The impact of cultural hegemonies on workplace talk